Power sensing topic

Reminded me of this but bigger and more legs

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Am I on Lilith’s tree or Samael’s tree?

Belial is sticking very close to me…that makes sense.
Not sure about the door…could symbolic of my over protective Ness of the eggs

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So kinda scorpion …type thing …that makes alot of sense. .alot of sense :slight_smile:


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What’s that mean

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Wanna trade

@anon27714670 I see a young maiden dancing through a flower field. Dark hair, white dress, white umbrella.

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Feels like a callous, methodical dismantling and devouring of one’s own innocence

I was never innocent.

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I tried reading you.
At first I felt swords dancing around me. I tried to manipulate the swords myself. They danced to my command. I threw them into the void and they found “meat” that bled.

At that point, a giant mole role appeared, like a mole rat from Fallout that looked as big as a house.

I didn’t actually feel anything malevolent, so I petitioned it to let me rid it and go deeper.

I go on it. It started eating away at something and tunneled further. I saw a dark brown sheen of negativity, which I felt manifested itself as anger. I asked it to go deeper still. I saw something blue-beige, like the color of your profile-picture but duller.

I was interrupted before I could go deeper.

You seem stronger.

You have a presence about you …something is close by.
I feel horus and something else…I see the desert and an oasis … after a journey comes the rewards …I hear a voice say.

Keep walking your almost there.

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Interesting thank you

I see you walking up to a pyramid…

It’s. .golden…speak the words and it will open.

Inside is the message you seek.

Find the staff and read the markings.

The next phase will being once you have the staff…

That is all.

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@levilevi is replying…

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With Saturn in retrograde, this is a great time for time travel works. The Saturn energy is concentrated. You can use that. @Epsilon_The_Imperial


I can hit you up this evening, @Fuego1. Meanwhile, have you considered contacting Azazel? He is an extraordinarily helpful guide.

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I can try again, but again, Im limited to meditation and posibly automatic writing as a tool of communication.
I also realize Im still hung up on old beliefs and some wishes for a return to innocence. Not likely thats going to happen, but the reading about being in Choronzons grip is a bit unnerving. On top of my having to go back to Michigan, and facing possible homelessness … I am not the most calm one right now.

I guess I just want to know my end of my existence, in what it will be and what it will do to me. I get the sense its pretty much sulphur and brimstone, and burning ina lake of fire for eternity. Thats what my old beliefs tell me. I am wondering what the entire truth of existence and afterlife is, if I follow Celtic Gods, what will the end be, if I follow angels, what will the end be, if I follow goets, what will the end be, if I decide on atheism, what will the end be etc.

or is reincarnation true, and if so, can you remember the last existence,how it works, etc.

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hey, just cuz i was using their music for some sex magick doesnt mean that i like them like that :laughing:


Can you read me please?

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It’s the middle of the workday for me. I will try to get some reads done this evening.