Power sensing topic

Feel any better after I put that incantation in.?

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It’s lingering a little, but it’s wearing off and dissolving.


lol since every1 is mentioning their contributions… i will too. idk if it did much but i breathed some absorbing energies into the thread to help neutralize the noise :crazy_face:

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Lol I literally put the words to an exorcism incantation in the thread


If ya don’t mind?

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I sense a calm Airy energy. Like a cool breeze. You are pretty serene at the moment although there are concerns that are lingering in the back of your mind.

Ah i get it. The serentiy is coming from your Guardian doing its job. Its actively working to protect you. I sense the sweat its producing lol

Make sure you give him a source of energy to work with by grounding him to the Earth or one of the Seven Planets

Sorry i took so long lol


@Micah No problem I’m at work myself doing service calls and I browse the web in between job sites. I’m gonna be giving my guardian some help soon

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It may be a bit naive sharing this info online, but I trust this forum community more than other ones. Call it what you want. So I made him similar to how you make a servitor, but not the traditional methods


Yes. I do mind. If I respond like that, there’s a good chance I won’t tell you anything.

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Whats that all about?

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I asked because the post he made was about me. You’d be curious too. :+1:

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But it’s all in good fun letting people prod around in your space. Shit happens. No big deal.

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It has nothing to do with prodding around my space. It has everything to do if the entity wants me to tell you about it.

Loud and clear :zipper_mouth_face:

Anyone doing readings? I’m off from school and work rn.

Could someone give me a general energy/what do I feel like reading?

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Succubus like energy, obviously. Emotions and the lack of ability to understand some of them. The element of water and fire. Little bit of earth. @dagar

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Who wants a scan?

Please :slight_smile:


Bro your aura makes it hard to read ya so I went ahead and scanned your chakras
Your Muladhara (root) and Ajna chakra are your biggest chakras followed by Manipura (Solar) then followed by Sahasrara (crown)
Your Anahata chakra seems small, not dirty or block just underpowered.
Your Svadhishthana (sacral) is small as well but this is okay I feel that having a smaller Svadhishthana chakra will come to your advantage.

Your aura rather than the usual spikey ball is more of a flame flowing upward.
It’s red and orange with an indigo glow around your Ajna chakra in your aura.
Mainly Reds, Oranges, and indigo in your aura.

Feel like there is an entity towards the top left of you observing.
I see a middle-aged man with a shit look staring forward (ik it’s not you lol)
Has a receding hairline kinda overweight.

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