Power Sensing - Scans & Swaps

Meditation or invocations is the best solution to chakras problems…

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I see a courthouse, pillars, white, classic. It is at the top of a large set of stairs. An angel stands before it, beckoning. As i approach, her hands lay palm up, even with one another. I begin getting impressions pretty quick, bringing to mind the egyptian deities whom were said to weigh your heart(soul?) And judge you, psychopompery and gatekeeper impressions, with an overview of

You have defeated something holding you back, have stepped into it, and are showing off a little, though not in an arrogant way

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i see you sitting next to a river and singing moon river, there’s a man next to you, you’re both calm and happy
the birds are singing and its christmas eve morning, you 2 go to home
i found it very comforting

Thank you!!!

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do you wanna trade?

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I normally try not to look at the person’s name or profile while reading, but your baphomet head pulled me in.
He was shrouded, and the first thing that came to mind was the name Ahriman. Impressions came shortly after of you using what you have learned to clear the smoke away from Baphomet

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Sure, im down

i see angels singing ode to joy and you’re the conductor, the only thing is… you’re a demon and looks like baphomet
you then sit on your throne and calls astaroth, she tells you “don’t worry but don’t lose” and she goes away

I see a galaxy …I mean something like an outer space… And someone is like floating in the air looking down on it …

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Sorry can you look the presence of Ahriman around me…!?

I see a black man on white horse holding spear…he is riding the horse pretty fast…and passing through this gate (like gates that open into castle)… And merging into war or fight …

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Ar first, i see a yin and yang symbol, merging into grey and changing into a blank grey canvas. On this canvas the outline of armor appears, and defines itself. Then a sword. And then the mercurial boots with a wing on them, like what hermes wears. A womans face etches itself into the grey canvas, completing the image.

You are experienced, but not a master. Knowledgable, but not the wisest. Accomplished, though you feel incomplete. You have come to a point in your journey in which youve paused, took stock of things, and are now equipping yourself to head one step closer to being the master you once were.

Any accuracy?

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Was that read for me?

yes, it was

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yes, just not sure about this one

Near the end i kept getting a going back to something, coming full circle, shaking off the dust type vibes

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Order up! @DormiensDei wants a jalapeño on a plate with a side order of spice.

Okay really… First thing i got was of a man with crazy ffrizzled and curly hair. Then i saw a woman grabbing her hooters while necked, riding on top of a guy. (She was hot;)
I see a deep blue color aura with hints of green mixed in evenly with the blue. I see you have greyish to black wings. Tall. Blonde hair. Very proud. Nice smile. Handsome. Blue eyes. Enticing.
I see a dear next to you… A doe. The doe changes to a dog.
Some female spirit is around you toying with you. She is friendly. Seems sexual. But maybe Lilith… Although i didn’t get any feeling that it was her.

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Anyway can someone sense the presence of Wolf spirit around me…and can you help me to identify his name please!!?

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Thank you for your reading… Everyone is saying something related to this… I just discovered a remarkable book and am finding a really good path to go on.

For you i see a dog running around in a yard. It focuses on your hand because you have a toy in your hand. You through it across the yard and the dog gets it and comes back to you and you give the dog a hug.
I see a pink energy around you. Reminds me of Lilith.

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Omg… I just got a dog impression from you… I didn’t even read your message until now.
Maybe its related.

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The vibes felt somewhat familiar to Fenrir. I didnt get any distinct images, or words, but my heart started beating and blood rushed when i read you again. I felt almost the same vibes as my first evocation

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