Pesta- The Wandering Plague Hag

Tarot Cards Associated With Pesta:

The Hanged Man- Someone between realms, with a deep understanding for the need of sacrifice and surrendering to it, so one can be reborn and/gain wisdom. Pesta understands that death is a necessity for people and earth, finding peace in the knowledge and her understanding of it, as she stands at the crossroads, black book in hand, carefully noting whom she will visit next to aid them in letting go and surrendering to the end, so they may grow spiritually. Pesta is a martyr, making sacrificed for the greater good by fulfilling her duties, although it means she is feared and branded evil. She is an agent of death, waiting indefinitely for mother earth to awaken her to once again cleanse and purify the planet, with her mystical tools, doing the job that she is dedicated to accomplishing.

Very happy to see Pesta’s popularity growing


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Interesting, thank you. Wonder if she can be used to stop the dreaded virii of our day…

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Who would want to stop it? She can prepare you for it, ensure that sickness and disease gives you a miss and goes looking somewhere else, but Pests, understands that plague at times is a necessity,for many different reasons. Pesta is a wonderful entity to work with, very misunderstood, very wise.

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Great post! I was wondering how are the incantations are said? Is there a English translation to it? I don’t have all the materials atm so I want to tweak it, I hope that would be alright. I’ll definitely give her the offerings follow through what I can.

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It is perfectly acceptable to adapt any ritual to your circumstances, Pesta will understand, not everyone has the exact ingredients or tools necessary for every ritual they plan on doing, one must be adaptable. If you don’t wish to use these incantations, write your own, personalise and customise them to however you may prefer them. My advice, is simply invite Pesta with respect as always.

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Thank you so much for responding, I’ll definitely keep that in mind. I’m looking forward to work with her.