People claiming magick did it yet did all the work or actually got nothing

This is a deliberate technique in magick. Practicing gratitude for the sorcerous event is part of manifesting it.


I know that bit but these are more praising the spirit and never getting a result from it. For instance on one fb group there was a person who praised gallery of magick defending it to high heavens and then thought she was cursed as nothing ever worked for her. But again defended the system that it was perfect and this and that etc. It seems people are confusing just tiny things with real magick results and thinking its magick. Ie they got a feeling so its magick, they got a text message from someone who talks each day but didn’t for 3 days and called a spirit and they text that day. I am seeing less and less bigger results. Maybe it is just more newcomers are talking rather than long term magicians but surely this dilutes magick somewhat as a commodity of small things rather than proper manifestations.


I feel appreciation for the willingness to help, but I don’t offer praise until I receive a result. Personally, I’ve turned away from spirits who failed to do as they said they would, and have never worked with them again.

Systems work better for some more than others. There are quite a few who get spectacular results with Gallery of Magick books, for example, but there are also quite a few who get little to no results with them. Some techniques, like the Gallery’s emotional transmutation, just don’t work for everyone. We all have our individual strengths and weaknesses, and that applies to magick as much as anything else.

When a loved one has been out of contact for a long time, getting a text from them is a big result. Who are you to judge? In ancient times, people would pine away for months or years, waiting for a letter from their lover.


You’d be best off asking the individuals involved. I can’t really speak for them.

Generally, sometimes it doesn’t work and you will die knowing that your will was not able to override the will of the energies around you at that time.

But you have no idea if it worked or when for any particular random person online. Not working yet doesn’t mean never.

Don’t worry so much about other people, do what works for you… or don’t. :woman_shrugging: Other people’s techniques and choices belong to them. They don’t need to concern you.


I agree with that yes, to the point of the text I mean this person texts them all the time when you ask further and they just havent text for a day or two so they did a ritual and get a text 10 minutes later thinking the angel made it happen. That to me is not a magickal result its just normality and they are assuming the person should text all the time and probably was just busy and so texted normally. It is hard to explain in some affect but its more of I am praising this spirit they are so good. You ask what it was they manifested out of curiosity and get a reply of oh I got my bonus a day earlier or I have been sending my cv everywhere for months and finally got a job application. Now I think a confusion of mundane work to magick ratio is being mis-aligned here. People are putting in all the work and thinking the magick did it which is erroneous balance of mundane to magick ratio. Then wanting a result so bad they accept just anything without it even manifesting what they want. Its sad because they become disillusion after and realize they did all the leg work and got little for it. I think they are missing out on actual real manifestation by doing these things.

Now one could argue believing anything is magick could make life more magickal that is true to but is this not diluting real magick to a form of gimmick down the line of accepting anything as a result?


very true indeed I just worry for the longer term magickal community if things start to get diluted down to minimal things without longer term magicians correcting it. Maybe I am just being a grump though lol like you say its down to them not anyone else but in my dark heart I do care… a bit.


By worrying about it you are mildly cursing the community to have that happen.

Instead, as a mage you can do better: try to hold peace and success in your energy when you think of the community and send out a feeling of confidence and security. :smiley:


Good point, never thought of that. I do try to help them on occasion, usually get lambasted that I am belittling a system that hasn’t worked for them, GOM in this case sigh. But owell we can only try and direct. Like Darkknight said it works for some and not for others they just need to realize it and try finding what works well for them.

One thing I think you are missing is that magick mainly works through coincidence, and the path of least resistance, so most magical results will come about in a manner which will appear to be a natural occurrence, and often leaving the magician wondering if it would have happened anyway. However, by attributing the result to the magick, you build up your trust in it, thus making magical results more probable in the future.

I cured my nieces cancer, with the help of members of this forum, and I have no way if knowing whether it was the magick directly, or the aggressive chemotherapy that did it, but I also don’t really care because, regardless of the mechanism, I got the result I was seeking, and my niece is alive and well.


That is good to know that it worked and hope she is well to! indeed that is true, my main worry was people missing out on good manifestation results but yes anything is nice regardless of if or if not. Like I say I am probably just being a grumpy arse today.

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I get what you mean and I totally agree with you, OP.

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Understand too that GoM has quite a devout fanbase. It is not unheard of to have a bunch of them give a new GoM book 5 stars on amazon within hours of its release, which is curious because results tend to take much longer than that. And if you’re within that circle, there is almost a peer pressure to give undue credence to their system in spite of its ineffectiveness for some folks. However, as @DarkestKnight said, a system can work for some and not for others. Me personally, I often recommend their books (specifically Demons of Magick) because I’ve noticed that newcomers are often successful with it. But for myself, it has failed more times than it has succeeded.

Now when it comes to people posting results…one of the main reasons I created the BALG repository was to help show people what good results in magick looks like. I’ve been fairly selective over the years of which stories I place in there, usually passing over ones that I deem as too mundane to rule out pure coincidence. Magick works via coincidence, so results often appear as something that could’ve happened without the magick. This much is true, but Magick does not negate the existence of pure coincidences. Before you believed in magick, you believed in coincidence…and when lucky breaks happened for you, you attributed this to pure dumb luck. This hasn’t gone away simply because we’re now practicing occultists. What matters to me though are probabilities. What is the probability of one coincidence happening over another? A fantastical success story to me…one that would make it into the BALG Repository, is a story in which the probability of the result occurring via magick is higher than the probability of it occurring via pure coincidence. Figuring out non falsifiable claims, such as whether ones result came about via magick or pure coincidence is a fools game, because you often have no way of finding the answer. The game I do play is figuring out though is why the desired coincidence may have failed to materialize at all, via magick or otherwise.


One thing to add to this is, however, that they do mention in their books that they share their work with their students, and other magicians they work with, to test out prior to publication, so it is always possible that those posting such reviews so quickly have been using the books much longer than it seems.


Most don’t actually do magick they just practice religion with extra steps and beg other beings to do the magick for them through petitions and ‘evocation’ with little understanding of how any of it works or how to stand on their feet. It is wishful thinking. You will see powerful and skilled magicians will always get results or see why they did not get what they anticipated and can troubleshoot it as a form of science and offer praise accordingly. They aren’t at the mercy and whims of spirits they beg but are rather the ones in command.

For instance I can diagnose why my recent works have not seen quick results by finding the points that are slowing it down and how I can either get results faster or get guaranteed results that I want even if it takes longer than initial time tables predicted.

Magick is ultimately the only true form of science and I feel it should be regarded as such and even those moments where religious and dogmatic though is used to produce energy should be seen as tool and diagnosed, planned, and executed for maximum yield.

It also breaks down to the most of the magical community being frauds, delusional, or just poorly trained with zero understanding. I find that actual training and practice to develop ones powers has fallen out of style. How often does someone now sit for a couple hours a day playing with the dynamics of different energy or work on creating spirits simply to perfect the technique rather than desperately doing it for some need. They run off into it with zero preparation and training. They want something and try to just go from want to want instead of practicing and perfecting techniques and powers to get what they want. It is like wanting to rebuild a car and just running off to do that without ever studying more than a few words of how to do such a thing and just moving on to another thing and another all without any practice or study.

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Very true indeed this is what I am seeing a lot of inferior results more so as feelings rather than manifestation and praising spirits without ever receiving results, ie not a partial offering but full on offerings being made yet no results had. I do believe one should always do their own magick as its personal to each one of us and we have the true power within and that is unique to each person. Sadly the world of quick this and that means systems can be sold that work for a bunch of people but not everyone and people will rather use it than do their own incantations, spells, spirit work, sigils etc etc. I think designing your own rituals is fun to do and you really implant it into the mind by doing so rather than looking at a talisman of hebrew not knowing what it says.

I think people should have fun with small things to build up like manifesting a ball to appear using a sigil in their yard or to see a certain colour of car all over the place to help build up the skill and know its you that did it. Stuff like that is a deadest to know at least you know it was you that did it because you get a specific result. Even asking for someone to contact you on a certain day and it works makes you feel elated. This helps build up to bigger things then.

Verdo, I have seen that myself a lot and other authors who follow the GOM route where people leave feedbacks straight away even as far as saying I havent tried it but it feels powerful… feeling is not result. Result is physical manifestation of something tangible not an emotion or feeling of it is or not. That stuff riles me up as it gives false promises to people. For instance the guy I referred to on an older post on here that was singing praises on contacting Frog-Latash and how she worked well to then bash the demon saying it never gave him a result. I have no clue why people do that sort of stuff as it gives a false testimony of result.

I just need to keep away from GOM groups haha.


GoM developed a system of feeling grateful as if the results had already happened, but that is DURING the ritual. For me it works amazing till I incorporate it on the rituals that I myself make.

To avoid lust of results, is whether you forget about it/think the ritual will manifest no matter what!! And that works too, BUT praising a spirit PUBLICLY before seeing the results, well let say new methods in magick are introduced everyday but so far I don’t think there is such a method.

I think maybe they do it so they could be seem by others that their magick is working, or they are powerful etc. But it’s a self deception giving false testimony to people.

This usually happens if a person blindly believe in a system of magic/author/magician. If someone he/she believes said/gave an opinion on certain thing about magick, they blindly defend it even if what so called the powerful guru said is wrong/unreal/doesn’t even exists.

I think people need to realize before defending something you should know what works for may not work for someone else, and you don’t need to defend something that doesn’t work for you to be just seem powerful/your magick works.

Sometimes magick works it’s hard to realize that it worked, because manifestation appears without a single element that magick was involved.

For example you did a spell to get a new car and three years passed down, you forgot about the spell and but you got a new car and not by chance it is because you took a loan from the bank. Two years while driving your car you remembered about the spell, know your spell worked.

But it took 3 years for it to manifest, and it took 2 years for you to remember the spell. Sounds ridiculous right? But my personal advice, if you did a spell to get something and after short/long time you got the item you needed even if you see it was your own hard work that brought an item ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR MAGICK DID WORK.

Have that mindset and you will thank me later :blush:

Be blessed,
H. A. Adam


Indeed they should think that really. I think the praising spirits or giving them a full offering before seeing result is probably a form of fear or lust for result on the behalf of the practitioner hoping by doing so it will work most likely but not fully certain. I myself usually determine how big a task is and design the ritual around it be it how many days I repeat it to really push out all my intent and energy into it and exhaust it or if it only needs a single working etc. That way I know then if I am putting my all in etc and I think the more power you add the more powerful the result will be and quicker unless its something like owning a mansion while on a general wage… maybe not as much realistic haha.


Can I just say you say people say 'it feels powerful ’
Personally i would not post that statement myself but when i read through damon brands magickal seduction and i am happily married .I told my wife i thought it seemed very powerful
The next day I went into a business where i had been going for about two years and one of the girls who had never shown a remotest in me or my business was trying to pull me and spent the next three months attempting it until she left
I brought Erics Anthology of sorcery 3 I read it all and announced to my wife that 'it seems very powerful ’
When i started using it it proved its worth loads of times over
The point is for me is intent by reading it you immerse yourself in it and when you do magick for a while intuition takes over and you know before you start
I think Eric calls it prepetary emmersion and it’s great for magick and helps set the scene for success happy magick


That can happen if your experienced in magick but these are not experienced practitioners what usually happens is they come back several weeks later saying everything they did has not worked. I notice some times the same names appear on reviews left for some books on Amazon saying wow it feels so powerful have yet to try it or this is great its so powerful and yet complain on fb that nothing they did worked! its a very misleading thing to do. But no one corrects them which I find peculiar. Like you say though some things you can feel are powerful in the right mind set and your intent with the experience you have or even gifted with can make it so as its not the book but the intent you have reading through its pages making the magick happen. This is why I believe the black pullet reads like a fun story to do the same concept as reading immerses you into a trance where you visualize and see the things in your minds eye and is the principle of scripting magick. That book sounds interesting of Erics though is it really good?

Never have gotten damon brands magickal seduction to work at all myself, it uses the salamander spirits from black pullet in ritual 1 and 3 along with a latin alchemical rite but tried it several times to no avail on people who are already close even or general seduction. I wonder if some times this may be the observer affect kicking in of the brain where it observes the surroundings more after reading or seeing something and notices what it blanked out prior like when buying a car that you hardly see and all of a sudden you see them everywhere etc. One cannot know if its a magickal effect or psychological in principle though its cool. There is one method of using it to find money on the floor in Prometheus Rising book using various test beds to try finding small money by belief in finding it and visualization etc. Heard good things of that method to, not tried it enough myself as the problem here is people are using physical money less and less now sadly!

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