Penny divination

If I get two yes and two no what should I do ?

That’s top secret info that I can’t share with you :smile:

The two heads and two tails is the best answer you can get. From my trial and errors, I have noticed that this mainly pertains to yes answers. The different combos are like odds of what you are asking about happening, three heads meaning a good chance, four heads a really good chance, and two and two a really really good chance, but like with everything, nothing is concrete or always certain. Things can and do change.

I have also asked a few questions where two and two come up, but the best answer could be yes or no. At that point, I ask the question again and specifically state that I need more clarification. At that point when I throw the pennies, I usually get a clearer more heads or more tails answer.

I really like the four penny method and I feel quite a connection with my pennies. It may work for you or you may try something else that you like better. When I first started using the four penny method, they felt flat meaning that it did not seem like they had any energy, but after constant use, that changed. The pennies feel alive to me when I use them now.

My advice is to keep trying different methods. You will find one that “speaks” to you and when it does, you will know that it is the right one for you. It may take some usage, but after a while you will find if a certain method works for you.

Hope this helps.


What you say when you mention the penny divination:

What I THINK when you mention the penny divination:



Lol I would probably get the joke but sadly I haven’t watched that movie yet .

The name of the clown is Pennywise


I tried the 4 penny method today and i am very very new.

I kept getting 2 heads and 2 tails even after i asked for more clarification.

When i asked if he would help me with something I got a yes. And i asked if i should do my own candle magick on the situation and i git the 2:2. So i asked if that just depends on my power if it would make a difference and i got a yes .

Also. I had tried summoning him 2x prior. I wasnt sure if it worked. But i didnt chant or atare at the sigil very long I just kinda jumped into it. Idk if I could sense it ?

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