Other People's Chakras

I don’t have any direct experience with this but I have read about giving a woman an orgasm by stimulating her sacral chakra. I would say that’s positive :slight_smile:


Yea I love giving orgasms, do share the source material :smiling_imp:

I believe i read it in the book Shadow Strategies by Glenn Morris. He was relating how a student of his had used nothing but energy manipulation to make a woman writhe and moan and orgasm without even taking off her clothes :smiling_imp:


Jeezus that sounds fun. Imagine using that technique in a Starbucks


I know, right? I really have to up my energy manipulation game… :thinking:


Not personal experience with opening another’s chackras:

But if we can vamp them then we can feed them so would zapping them with a ton of purified energy cause them to open?

I would think there would be a greater potential to overload them if their subtle bodies aren’t used to a massive flux of energy. Kinda like too much current through a wire that has been severely undersized. Without an current interrupter like a breaker or fuse to stop it, it heats up, then insulation catches fire then it keeps heating up till it reaches melting point.

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Very good point.

Though it is possible to essentially provide an energetic system upgrade by empowering the non physical bodies in certain ways. This then manifests over time in the physical body.

The rite of deification is a good example of this.

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I can do this. My wife referred to it once as my “lightsaber”.
I will share this Very Important Magickal Knowledge with you…

Firstly, yes, @J.A.Ragnarson, you can totally manipulate other people’s chakras. Rather than focus on yours, focus on theirs. It’s really that simple although it helps if they’re close to you, emotionally.

For the moaning and writhing, focus on the root and sacral chakras and push your energy into them, essentially overcharging them. This can be enough to make a woman orgasm without intercourse. To go the extra mile, if you’re embracing, you can form an energetic cock and push it up through the root and sacral. If you want to get real crazy, continue pushing it up through the solar plexus and heart, to the throat. =)

If you’re actually physically penetrating her, this is obviously amplified. Continue concentrating your energy into both your physical and energetic cock, both pounding away and sending energy through her entire chakras system.

I have found the effects on my partner to be very spiritual experiences. It’s similar to the kundalini experience when you do the whole nine yards (as it were).

EDIT: Looking over the responses and it occurs to me that I often forget that energy work is not necessarily a cornerstone for every magician. For me, it’s what I was working with before I even discovered magick. So I may have an unfair advantage there. Still, I highly recommend giving this a try!


I actually wrote a technique I was taught in the lounge let me see if I can find it this was back when I couldn’t think straight for Shit hopefully it makes since I haven’t re-read it

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Aaaaannnnddd this is basically why I don’t let people touch my chackras though I’m ok with them thinking that they are :joy:

Wow man. Just…


Robert Bruce also talks about making women feel orgasmic via impromptu energy work. Said something to the effect of it works wonders if you’re dealing with an obnoxious bank teller or the like.

Well my background is this: before Evocation, etc. I did yoga, meditation and energy work for 18 months, so I made this thread for informational purposes and gaining knowledge from the experiences of others. I think everyone should do all the above before getting into spirit communication and advanced magick, but what do I know?


Agreed 100%.


Isn’t Reiki defined by energetic manipulation of other people’s chakras? I’ve been working on this but haven’t had any formal Reiki training.

It can definitely be done. The more benevolent your intent, the easier time you’ll have accessing the energies of another. The red chakras don’t always care what their owner has in mind. That’s why sexual manipulation can be easy to accomplish.

Yes I’m a certified Reiki healer, though not long experienced. Reiki can cleanse junk from chakras.

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@In_Between_Worlds very good points.
The post is a little bit old but I ll still respond.

Actualy I worked a lot on the ethereal body manipulation of the target in order to generate love or lust.

Connecting each others chakras and giving recieving energy works…I work generaly on the base chakra, sacral chakra, solar plexus and the heart chakra of the target…all my researches on this issue is based on empirical personal experience but I don t know all the “miracle” techniques out there…

People are claiming to do miracles with these techniques I don t know all. Apparently all the teachings of Joseph Plazo on remote seduction is based on this…as I said I prefer doing what works for me or trying things coming from the feed back of magician friends instead of going for the methods of speculative remote seduction gurus…

So @In_Between_Worlds what kind of techniques did you do in order to use your knowledge in this area…I mean how do you give orgasms ? Ha ha

PS I know this is more about healing alligning your chakras finding the inner equilibrum but still I like this correlation between the ethereal body and magical seduction…

Or a church

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Not quite, it’s a healing technique based on channelling energy by means of touch, it activates the natural healing processes of the body (works on the ki (chi)).
But yes it can be used altho I think the op asked for other ways to work on chakras

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