Offering Free evocations of spirits for channel message

Sorry if did not come through. But I’ll try again later


Hello, so I got two questions you may choose to answer one or both of them depending on how you feel.

  1. For archangel Michael, am I close to completely defeat my long term enemy or there is still more to be done?
  2. For archangel Raphael, am close to discover (destroy) the power house of the evil spirits that were sent against me?

That’s all for me thanks in advance :blush:

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Hello, I made a ritual and a letter of intent with the archangel Haniel, I wonder if my words reached her, what she thinks about my wish, will she help me, and if so, how long will it take?

I would like to ask the archangel to Raphael
Thank you Raphael fo help me in treating my physical body.
I would like to ask if we will receive the opportunity to stop the aging of the body in the future.
Do you will share it with us, or the right mantras and rituals and a healthy way of life can do this in the future?
Is physical immortality possible if not, how much yogi can extend own life?
I hope that Angels will open new opportunities that will separate yogi from ordinary people.
If you think about it, yogi should live much longer and should not almost age.
Old age, illness and painful death should be the destiny of people who do not cultivate.
The rest is the destiny of people.
The last question is whether the Angels take the blood sacrifice (own blood). Is a pact with Angels or Gods of Light is possible?

Hello, could I request a message from Paimon? Or from any entity that is here for me? I want to know if my requests are being heard or if they will be granted…
Muchas gracias :people_hugging:

Hi, does Belial have a message for me? Thanks like always.

Hello dear! This is very kind of you, doing channelings and scans for people here :purple_heart:
When you have time, would you like to check if there is any message from any spirit for me?
Also i would like to ask you something in dm if possible…
Thank you in advance :smiling_face:

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You can feel free to dm me :slight_smile:


Hi! Do you have any messages for me from Tiamat? I’m going to start working with her soon.

Can you ask which of the 72 demons will answer all of my requests

Thank you so much. I appreciate you :pray::pray:

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Hi everyone I’m really sorry as of late I haven’t had any energy to do anything my mental health has been really dangerous bad I’ll be closing them for a while @DarkestKnight hey can you close it again sorry