Newbie here, Can anyone help me to summon King Paimon

I’m new here and I was thinking to summon King Paimon. I need his guidance, can anyone help me to summon King Paimon? Is there a time to summon King Paimon, I have his sigil and I also knew his enn. Like 10 PM I was trying to summon King Paimon, I have my candies and my offerings to King Paimon. And I see the sigil that I drawn last night is his sigil is getting erase that I drawn in the paper, I don’t know if it is my imagination or It was my eyes and I don’t even hear his voice. Should I close my eyes? Is King Paimon is there?

Where should I face? North, South, West, or East?
I don’t draw a Circle and a Triangle cause someone said that it doesn’t matter to do that.
And I also not place a candle all I have is my offerings and the sigil of King Paimon. Should I need to give him many offerings? BTW, If this become successful should I burn the sigil? Because someone said that It might gives me negative energy. Please help me how do I summon King Paimon. Sorry for my bad grammar.

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@Svern6 Please introduce yourself first, it’s a rule on this forum that all newcomers make a proper intro before they start making other posts:

Secondly, there is tons of information about King Paimon, just use the :mag: and your questions will most likely all have been answered before. We help newbies here, so don’t be shy to ask when there’s something the search function didn’t reveal, but King Paimon is one of the most popular spirits here, and many people have worked with Him. Good luck!

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The first time I got a powerful manifestation from King Paimon was on accident.

I was paying an offering, and decided to give it the title of a focus to focus his energy. My intention was not to evoke, when I got home, he was there. On the way home street lights went out as i passed them, i got a burning smell in my car, a deer ran out in front of me, and I came home to trumpets, clunking sounds, whirling sounds, strings(violin type), scratches on the floors and walls, and an image in my head. Of him on his camel, just like I had seen him in art, but he was shining GOLD, like in the movie with horus and ra fighting, their armor was gleaming. It was like that armor but he radiated it from everywhere.

Anyways this event took up most of the emotional memory, so the details are foggy as to how I did it. But the formula I use is based on this accidental summoning.

I believe my combination was 3 hematite, 2 lavender, 2 tiger’s eye, and 4 quarts.

I drew his sigil on blank paper in black ink. I dropped blood on it. I then surrounded it with 4 candles, red, green, blue, and white. The candles are on the cardinal directions of the sigil. The top of the sigil should face west and the candle here should be green.

While chanting his enn, I placed 3 drops of sandalwood and 3 drops of frankincense and 3 drops lavender essential oils on his sigil.

I then placed 1 drop, of either sandalwood or frankincense I can’t remember, on each of the stones which had been arranged in a symmetrical circle around the sigil. I then lit the candles and their wax cemented them to the sigil.

I then sat and meditated on his enn for about 30 minutes.

This was supposed to be the end of it. But I came home to King Paimon. I think the reason it summoned him was because I had been calling him for months by simply praying and lighting a frankincense for him. But I had never done something on this scale, with this much focus and symbolism on his energy. So it summoned him, as I had had that intent for months, just wasn’t expecting it to happen in this particular instance. So intent matters. You have to be certain and ready and willing for it to happen, it took me months to get to the “fuck all the fear I just want this to work” point, and that’s where you gotta be, without doubt or fear.


As mentioned, there’s already tons of info about King Paimon and how to summon him, on the forum. Use the forum search function and use keywords to find anything you may need.