New to here. Hi all

Hi. Im new to here. Im interested in Luciferism. Thanks for the accept.

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Please tell us a bit more about yourself. A simple greeting does not meet our criteria for a proper introduction. You haven’t told us if you have any magical experience, or if you are a beginner.

My pref name is Xakira. I was catholic, then buddist. I tried some religions but I frlt empty inside. One day I felt like I wanted to pray to Lucifer, I felt hope. Dont know why. I never practiced magic before, sry when I was young i played with the ouijaboard. Now I want to learn more about Lucifer. For me Lucifer and Satan are not the same entity. So pls teach me some interesting things. Im here to learn. I tell you someting about me now. Im 40 urs old female and im from Europe.


Thank you for expanding a bit upon your introduction and experience. Welcome to the BALG forum :slight_smile:

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Thanks Sir. I love reading about paranormal activities, spirituality and Aliens. They are my fav subjects. I really want to learn more about Lucifer, I find him exiting.

There are a lot of threads about Lucifer here, so feel free to use the search function, the little magnifying glass, in the upper right and check them out.

Thanks a lot. I want to invoke Lucifer one of these days. Im a bit scared but I really want to.

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Hi, @Xakira! I’m a new 40yo female, too. Welcome.

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Thats nice. The problem is that I am older than you for sure bec I be 41 this month :smile:

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