Negative blood types

Not really…I have a grandparent with a negative blood type yet I have a positive blood type as does my parent on that side and my only sibling. But by that theory we would all be some part nephilim (sp?)…so again that would still cancel out because we are all positive blood types.

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B - blood type here

Why do I have a feeling I’ve posted on this topic before, yet I see no reply :thinking:
Anyway O neg super nephilim or whatever reporting in…


Me to B+ gang: Too many O negatives here. They have surrounded us! Please send backup! It’s urgent!


Just an interesting theory I read on reddit, just gonna copy and paste the entire post here,not sure if it’s allowed so I’ve added the username too : “u/Glenn1112
RH negative and the Bible! Eve was RH negative, the serpent was RH positive.
We have been sexualized for as long as there have been things in this realm. From the start, we started off as a woman dominated society. Adam as the males that Were in the Council of Nicaea wrote. It pretends to claim Adam was the first, and in fact he was not. It was woman, because the Council that was in Rome made the canon out of the scriptures and gospels.

I offer up the serpent as proof. The idea that Adam was the first, is backwards. Adam was not put to sleep, and a rib taken, that is a lie, RH positive blood does not have the extra Ribs the RH negatives do.

Most of what is taught or indoctrinated in the Schools is based upon the RH positive factor. Enmity between her seed and the serpents seed. Meaning that when the blood is taken into consideration. There is an issue when an RH negative woman and an RH positive man. The seed talked about is that because the study of blood is not new in any way , shape, or form, but the ignorance of the truth is what you have been indoctrinated into by Jews that write your school books.

It talks about how the seed, of the serpent was HR positive, because the problems with an RH negative woman and an RH positive man is that the child if RH positive will have problems in pregnancy. The woman’s body will attack the child as a form of defense. It is written in the Bible and this is in reality how old the study of blood really is. The curse of the Enmity or the way blood acts against the serpent, is ancient. And to have RH negative blood means that you are the breed of Eve from the Garden and Creation. Adam came from Eve. Not the other way around.

I know how it sounds. But the truth is written in a book so old, that most will be taught that it was a musical fart they were talking about and that somehow this music was music and not facts. RH positive and RH negative was known to the point where in the old customs of the natives that they would cut their hands and see if the blood mixed. If it did, it meant they were blood brothers, or from the same original seed in the Garden. If it did not, it meant that they were not blood brothers. It was a simple way to test if a man and woman would have problems in child birth. No fancy hospitals with long drawn out process of charging to see if one blood would mix with another.

It is clear that the serpent had RH positive blood, and that Eve had RH negative blood. That can not be Denied. That is why the curse was there.

90% lies, and 10% truth. Some things have the ring of truth and some things do not.

This can be tested and has been documented that RH negative women have issues with HR positive child from the father. Or serpent. So the RH positives are the snakes and are the invaders of this realm that seek to destroy what the Creator built. They are not different than any other creature and not unique as the creation of woman is.

Face it, in the past our society was ruled by woman and not the insanity of the snakes and serpents of man. It was highly sexualized, the I of old that has the w at the bottom, was the line of the chest of a woman and her tits. That is why that symbolism rings so deep in man, it is what they desire. It is the form of woman that they try to mimic. The serpent tries to pretend to be that which hates it by blood, because of the not being of the creation in the garden and being after and made as the rest, and not unique. The RH positive can be found on all animals and as such, RH positives do not have trouble with an RH negative child, and no Enmity exists.

Face the truth if you can.“

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Personally I prefer the nephillium theory that we are the descendants of Mother Lilith or Azezal but still interesting theories nonetheless


It’s not that black and white. It will only happen after exposure to the rh positive baby’s red blood cells or exposure during a transfusion for example. Mixing doesn’t happen during a normal complication free pregnancy and will only happen when there is trauma to the belly or certain procedures and when giving birth/miscarriage and what happens is that then the baby’s rh positive blood can cross the placenta and enter the mother’s circulation. You can become rh sensitized and develop antibodies. If it would happen during the first pregnancy, the baby is safe as these anti bodies aren’t able to cross the barrier but with time they will be able and so the next pregnancy would be at a greater risk. During the second pregnancy the immune system can have a quicker response by marking the baby’s blood as hostile and the severity of the response increases with each exposure to rh positive blood, usually after two rh positive pregnancies. So there doesn’t always have to be problems. It’s not like rh neg and pos people can’t have kids without problems ever. There are a lot of different factors.


Hi darling, this was an extract from a post on reddit, not my doing at all, I just liked his theory on how Eve was created before Adam and he was created from her rib etc, Also, i was in panic mode all the time during my pregnancy with my rh + baby. Just as you stated, only when there is transfusion of the Mommy and baby’s blood it would be fatal. I know some people make it sound so much more dramatic, no disrespect to anyone though who’s had a complicated pregnancy. I must add though it was extremely difficult for me to get pregnant and also had a high risk pregnancy because of my age. My obgyn also advised any pregnancy after the first rh + baby has to be more closely monitored

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Agreed. We should never take any risks. :black_heart:

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I honestly think it’s bullshit, it’s unlikely nephilim genetics if legit would be centered around RH- but the more mundane aspect of it kind of sucks for the child and mother.

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I am well aware of the risks of rh blood mixing. My mother had a miscarriage before she had me. She is rh + the miscarriage and I share the same blood type. During the miscarriage her and the other baby’s blood mixed. She developed antibodies for that blood type. When I was born some of her blood got into me. I almost died. I now must have type specific blood when receiving a transfusion. My mother’s type is o+ i am b- . I can’t donate blood either because I have antibodies to type o blood.

After my wife´s and i first child, she had miscarriage after miscarriage. The Dr´s said it wasn´t because of this, but they could never give an explanation as to why they were happening.