Need a dream interpreted

I had a dream last night. I saw the moon. It was orange and bright. It had 9 spheres around it they were on fire and they seemes to lighten and make the moon glow.

First thought that camw to me was the circle of fire.

Anyone want to read into this?

The ninth sphere on either tree is the moon (Yesod/Gamaliel).

Maybe it’s related?

Take a look at this thread:

Good luck :slight_smile: :four_leaf_clover:

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Not sure about this

Fair enough, but ultimately asking other people to interpret your dreams is guesswork on their part at best, and complete made-up bollocks at worst. No one knows your subconscious mind and its associations except you. Unless you share a dream with other people, which would be a rare and noteworthy experience, no one else really has the authority to tell you what something means. If you’re interested in dreams I suggest you start a dream journal, if you don’t have one already, and over time look for common themes.

A lot of people ask for dream interpretation on here, but you will be the ultimate authority on that. It’s like asking why some people have specific phobias and others don’t. It’s environmental and completely subjective.


i feel it has meaning but I’m not able to discern it. I love the stars and the moon. it felt real and was so surreal

I wouldn’t worry about it so much and just see where things go.

If you keep a dream journal and pay a bit more attention to your dreams and intentionally work with dreams magickally, then you’ll get better at this sort of practice. If I’m practicing well, then I’ll have many very magickal dreams every night with lots of symbolism which intuitively makes sense to me.

I would think about what the moon, the number 9, and fire all mean to you. This one sounds pretty abstract, but maybe it’s as simple as looking at Tarot cards, like the Moon and the 9 of Wands for fire. Or maybe not. Maybe you have a completely different set of symbolism that makes sense to you. Regardless, I wouldn’t worry about it too much. I’d just enjoy the magickal experience and see if any more happen.