My Qlipoth Journal - Resurrection1

The jellyfish I’ve seen mutual likenesses of across the web, relating to this found in the tunnel near Gremory, which is the qlippothic version off Men. I forget the name of the 23rd tunnel, but it is near the sun. In between Samael and Golochab. Deep blue watery tunnel filled with these jellyfish.

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Interesting :blush:Thank you Fuego. Do you mean these are inhabitants of the tunnels of set or just in these particular sphere youve mentioned?

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Just in that tunnel that I am aware of, I tried a path working with whom I was intending to work with, Duchess Gremory. I felt a bit of Samael and Golochab, have no idea how I was instantly in Samael other than will/imagination.

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Just imagine yourself in Samael and seeking this tunnel, Mem in Qabalah means water, the hanged man, reversals, concentrated focus on subconscious, illumination, enlightenment.
You enter a lavenderr colored tunnel, that get progressively darker and more deep blue until heading toward a hot place.
You can dive back toward Samael when you wish, which it when I actually saw there int eh path working.

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Wow, so yeah. These spiritual planes do exist. Even though many beginners just think its just imagination (Imagination is definetly a key you need) . But there is a real distinction you will with time learn to discern. What just you imagine and where you astraly will be brought. And also lead to imagine.

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Yes to all ^this. Plus when swimming toward Golochab, it was deep and lit somehow except in the center. I could sense something around me, after me or swimming with me, I guess I attracted their curiosity or potential snack.
Be warned - these could harm or vampirize you, so keep distance.

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I understand your concern. But i am in a good portion trained over the years to vampirize beings who attack me as selfdefense and also as a general practice. I am not a sheep but also a predator spiritualy, how they are. if it is too much of course i do my stuff thatl keep me safe and protected.

I know for myself when to stop and take the stebs back that is needed sometimes.

But there must be allways a awareness that one is not untouchable and too much selfasureness is not allways helpfull especialy when it comes to something unknown or more unexplored stuff.

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If you have clairaudience, it would be interesting to know the sounds heard.

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I would say i do have a developed clearaudience maybe not as effective i want it to be but it surely is there.

Most of the time i hear these creepy hissings and, electronic peepings weird frequenzis i would say and if beings most of the time where i work with theyre strange language. And if i am luky and strong also aware enough i know what they have sait or instructed me to or showed me stuff🤷🏻‍♂️

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Tinnitus is a curse and a blessing personally, in my left ear. I hear a shifting frequency and pitch, especially in places like casinos or airports. It does help with trance and relaxation at times, and can also be an indicator of vibration.

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In my Meditation it was again white background. In it formed a sircle. In this sircle all the above mentioned spheres names where inscribed around it, and it started to rotate faster and faster. In this sircle apeared a slit from a dragons eye. And out of it spewed fire. The atmosphere was saturated in golden orange frequenzis. Before me where two deformed heads like siamese unto another. But in between the heads began to show a light and very narrow pathway trough them. I flew nearer and nearer and i began to shrink and shring and the heads became giants. Flames and infernos brazed my body. And i came nearer and nearer unto something glorious trough this fire. And it stated.

Trough raging Fire
Trough raging water
Trough raging Air
Trough raging earth.

Through thy eather what stays is thy soul. You have reached the highest and holyest sacredity.

(Lucifer sigel hovers above a three sitting on a cloud) . If you pass trough that there is no turning back.

Than i was in this glourios highly advanced city and state. I was than only aware of that a ring was placed above my head and it hovered above my head and it formed itself unto an golden crown and the other version a black Spiky crown.

It stated.

You shall reign it all.

Than it ended.

I gave my recitations and usual workings of sacrifices and prayers and it was done.


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This rather short working and surely intense one,was for me a bit a inner corection so to say. Ive been confronted with fear with shadow with my own imperfections, but also with these Demonic Forces. Who are leading me to the pursuit of perfection the pinacle of my working to achieve what i am born for, for spiritual powers and siddhis. And along the way to help if i can and if i will so.

If you feel called to do this be not mistaken there is a reason for this calling and deep in you, you will know why you started it or want to.

So go on trust yourself and be strong along this way.

Naga Bless!


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Just out of interest have you ever done ceremonial Cabbalistic magic i…e charging talismans or evoking Planetary Spirits?

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Ife done often the kabbalistic square of the planets as a working. But never until now a kabbalistic talismanic consecration. Just my own versions so to say. You?

Yes I have. How do you mean by your own version of a kabbalistic planetary square working?

I meant by the sigils and talismans i have my own rites.

Did that include Archangelic invocation and God invocation? Thanks, the reason I ask is that I thought that people usually only deal with the Dark Side of the Tree after they have a handle on the planetary forces.

Nah i didnt i just was something like invited by its starting iniating spirit called Namaah and from there i started this pursuing journey.

Need to write in dm van you ?