My Personal Grimoire - Second Entry

Alright so this second entry is more of a surprised and amazed post!

So, as I mentioned in my first entry, I live in a home with very religious people. Now, because of this pandemic and this quarantine, they made talk to a priest over the phone. Now, I decided a long time ago that this priest was actually kind of awesome and I could be honest with him, so I told him about my meditation and my research on astral projection. I expected him to tell me not to do it and to avoid even researching things… but he didn’t! (To be fair, I didn’t tell him I wasn’t doing magic).

He actually told me that one of the Popes (the one who was known for his writing skills) wrote an entire book on astral projection and his experience with it, only, he called it ‘The Release of the Spirit’. See, I learned that Christians call the astral body, the spirit, which should have been obvious to me, but wasn’t.

The priest forwarded the book to me and advized me to read it and do more research on the dangers before attempting to do it myself. I mean… Can you believe that? A PRIEST gave me a book by a POPE that talks on astral projection!

Of course, the book itself talks about the spiritual life and health and stuff, but the sections on releasing the spiritual body from the physical body and using that to enhance your spiritual life were actually really informative and good!

On other notes, after reading the book, I actually think I felt my astral body start to leave my physical body because I was relating my research to stuff I’ve been taught as a child. It makes it easier when you’re comfortable and actually doing what you know. Unfortunately, someone made a really loud sound that scared me back into my physical body so… I didn’t actually get to disconnect fully. But it’s progress!!

I gotta ask, why are you making separate threads for each entry?

Journals are supposed to be all in one thread. That way they don’t spam the forum with single posts like this.

You do know threads go up to 10, 000 posts, right?

I did not!! I’m so sorry, I’ll change that right away. Thank you!

A post was merged into an existing topic: My Personal Grimoire - Entry One