My Own Harem! (Introduction)

Hey there, I have been practising LOA for quite a while and I got good at it, enough for me to believe in the supernatural.

I have always been lurking in this site and other subreddits regarding magick. Finally I made an account and decided to introduce myself to other fellow peeps here

Anyways my goal is to improve myself as soon I will be entering college and also I want to make women obsessed with me which is kinda like my primary goal, read about a guy who did it here so yea guess I will be embarking on a journey to get what I want which is an HAREM !!!


Welcome @Bella_Cakie Please tell us about yourself.

Where are you from?

Do you have any practical experience in magick?

If you do, what, exactly, do you practice and how long have you practiced?

Do you follow any specific system or tradition?

What are your areas of magical interest?

Are you talking about Law of Attraction or Law of Assumption? How long is “a while?”

I am from India, but I am not a hindhu so have never performed hindhi magick. I was raised in a Roman catholic family and feel strong connection towards mother Mary.

I practiced chanting rosary prayers which improved me a lot so I believe this comes under Wiccan magic. However I am willing to venture out more into chaos magick

Also been practicing Law of assumption since 2021

Rosary prayers would fall under Catholic magick, not Wicca.

Makes sense, also as said I have been lurking this site for a month so I am still a beginner.
What would be your advice on getting started if I want to get laid by my hot teacher or a old crush of mine.

I thought of working with asmodeus since from reading all the post here, I feel like he can help me with this. I know it’s not advisable to work with entities when you are a beginner.

However I think I have a good hold of my mind and good chakras which I have been cleansing. And also my success in law of assumption always serves as a confidence. I am thinking of doing a banishing ritual for protection before evoking asmodeus. What are your thoughts?

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Hello. You can look into the success stories.

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I think it’s possible. Women have much easier access to sex than men. With guys it looks like this: Discipline yourself or commit suicide. Nobody cares about your life. The men must be tough.
Only one thing puzzles me. Sex is always enjoyable, but I look at it as a tool of power. Discipline first, pleasure later. Everything is paid for with great pain. Is having a harem really that impressive? In my opinion no. I see a lot of rich people. I mean those who started from scratch. They are workaholics and work hard to stay on top. Do I envy them? NO!

Relatable… saying this as a gay man :sweat_smile:

This is a great idea! I have had similar thoughts of having a harem myself. The only thing slowing me down ultimately is having enough money to provide a home and support for all those women! You may want to look into finding enough financial backing to support this dream of a harem. Then I truly do believe it is absolutely possible. Good Luck!

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That’s the crux right there. Get a big house, with the money, food, etc. and you can have a compound with your favorite girls.