My neighbor is destroying me by using mantra Magick, I need help please!

My neighbor (who is a witch) is ruining my life since last year with mantra magic I don’t exactly know what that is but they are communicating with me on a telepathic level. They are scared that I’ll know the truth and that I’m using black magic against them. They are VERY brave and say that the police and that the law can do nothing against them. Do these people get their karma?

I can’t recognize myself anymore they destroyed me and my family they are wishing only bad things upon me, they won’t stop no matter how many times I asked them and cried for help, they act like nothing happend and now I am the bad guy? They want to me so badly to commit crime.

I can’t get this bitch out of my head, it’s like she won’t never leave me or my family alone. She moves out in 2 months, there are 4 people that are involved in ruining someone’s life.

Can someone please help me?

@Lunacat Please properly introduce yourself as you were previously asked to do when you first posted about your neighbour. It is a rule here and required. CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick, such as what you practice, how long you have practiced, areas of interest, etc:


Mantra magick can be effective yes. If the situation were happening to me I’d ask the intervention of Duke Focalor to break thier magick. He’s highly effective.

Then I’d annoint a candle with thier likeness, charge it and tie a ribbon around the top and say “my enemy is bound he cannot see me” then tie a length midway down the candle and say “my enemies arms are tied he cannot work against me”

Then I’d tie a length at the base and say " my enemies feet are bound they can no longer follow my path"

Then put it in the freezer and forget about it.

Then I’d go out for a snack :blush:


Thinking you need help is your first problem. You have set yourself up to think you are weak, and you are not, but you make yourself so.

I’d go with what Mike Bee said above, use a binding and know they have nothing on you. The only way this works for them if because you believe it can so you let it. Curses 101. Stop letting it bother you.