My alter burned down

So my alter burned down in a small fire at home.
Luckily no major damage happened to the house but all of my ritual items are damaged. The things I’m worried about the most are my two sigils I’d been working with for almost half a year. Honestly distraught. And another magical item I had been using. All that energy work… Is it gone? I mean the objects are gone, that I used to direct my energy and evoke. It just feels so awful. I don’t know what to do or what this means…
Has this happened to anyone else?? I can’t even bring myself to do my regular practice anymore because I just have this awful feeling inside. What should I do?


That sucks, I can imagine just how you feel. Advice - do a reading/get one done to see if there’s anything malicious or that you need to know about, that was the cause of this. Don’t just write it off to chance, try to get answers asap.




Yes, and maybe post in Power Sensing - Scans & Swaps 3.0 (No Tarot Please) (Part 1) & check out this: Tutorial, Napoleon's "Book Of Fate" aka The Empire Builder's Oracle


Do you think this has altered my relationship with the demons I have been working with? I just feel so down. Such a lot of energy work and I feel this has just cut me off.


I don’t think so, you’re not the cause of this. Focus on what LadyEva wrote, if something malicious slip through.

Next step is to make new Sigil and just do your workings again, you can always tell the Daimons or Lucifer what went wrong, even ask them for assistance if something did slip through.

I would say a prayer that you declare those Sigils void and tell that an unfortunate fire destroyed your stuff and that you really want to extend your workings.


Oh and remember they are with you. And your workings are in you and with them, not in objects. Objects helps focusing and are for initiating and intend.

If you think something did slip through please look at banishing rituals also. LBPR (if you didn’t already do that).


Damn thats pretty shitty. Thankfully no one was hurt though. That is the most important thing. Unfortunately the sigils are donzo, just start over with them. They will charge up nicely. Maybe go an extra mile and make some out of a high charging material this time!


I am so sorry to hear that. About 5 years ago our house burnt down but it’s fixed now.


Had a few altars and areas destroyed myself.

It’s Good to know that:
“Because the earth was created with magic, Egyptians believed that the world was imbued with magic and so was every living thing upon it. When humans were created, that magic took the form of the soul, an eternal force which resided in and with every human being. The concept of the soul and the parts which encompass it has varied from the Old Kingdom to the New Kingdom, at times changing from one dynasty to another, from five parts to seven to nine.”

I’m sure more than just Egyptians believe in what is imbued. The human Self can utilize anything.


It could be that it just out grew its use, perhaps its time for a new begining. Fire is a symbol of passion or desire it cosumed the altar perhaps as a sacrfice it engulfed the offerings. Now its time to start a new space with perhaps new things that are more relavant to the changes you have made in your life and maybe the deities or spirits you are working with want an updated representation of themselves. Also the the energy links are still there remember they are attached to you not the objects you use. The objects are just focusing tools or offerings.


That’s exactly what I thought