Morpheus and Cthulhu

anybody worked with these guys? I know a lot of “serious” magicians scoff at anything to do with HP lovecraft, but seeing as he basically channeled much of his works from his dreams I don’t see why it’s any less magical than something written 1000 years ago. and besides enough magicians(of various skill levels from neophyte to magus) have worked with him so he’s probably a pretty powerful egregore/godform by now.

alright here’s the thing… I did some research and divination on some deities to work with on dreaming. I got a card signifying victory with morpheus, and 10 of wands with cthulhu. The working with Morpheus has a high probability of success while the working with cthulhu is if nothing else going to be extremely powerful, but also extremely taxing.

I’m going to be working with them on gaining power via the dreamscape.
if you have other entities that would also be a good Idea to look into please share with me.

if you have any experiences feel free to share them.

You know I was watching a videa on the Cthulu myth the other day and thought to myself that as soon as I’m able to evoke I’m callin up that bad motherfucker! But yes it’s possible to evoke anything.As long as you can structure it you can communicate with it.I remember reading an older thread on here about someone evoking Sith from Star Wars.Remember we are Gods and what do the Gods from ANY religion do? Create and destroy.(and a lot of em like to fuck as well Oh Zeus you so nasty!) But my point is we are no different than the Gods of old.So have fun with it.They sure as hell did!

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Check out the Psuedonomicon by Phil Hine. Its all about his work with the Cthulu mythos. Also, I believe Konstantinos talks about working with Nyarlothep (sp?) in his nocturnicon.

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The Necronomicon is fiction … dangerous fiction channeled from real forces and entities. They are NOT egregores, at least not if they are called correctly. Stay away from calling on the entities in it unless you are desperate. Desperate, I say, in the sense that these beings are so different that they can be used to overcome the defence provided by spirits and deities from more human spheres, like the Loa, as these may not know how to deal with them. That’s the sort of thing you might use them for. And that means that they pose a substantial danger to you too, and you need to STICK TO THE LETTER OF THE RITUALS given in the book, as the tradition of Marduk given in it was constructed precisely to deal WITH THESE ENTITIES. Be warned they they are not in any way shape or form ‘friendly’ and can turn on you in an instant if you don’t take the necessary precautions.

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Remember we are Gods and what do the Gods from ANY religion do? Create and destroy.(and a lot of em like to fuck as well Oh Zeus you so nasty!) But my point is we are no different than the Gods of old.So have fun with it.They sure as hell did!

Yeah, keep telling yourself that, mighty magician.

Now make that leaf fall from that tree right now.

Wow poete I’m flattered that you continue. to troll me!

Oh and one more thing poete if you disagree with what I said then you disagree with the entire BALG movement so why the fuck are you even here? What was it you said to me on my own post?..oh yea facepalm

How can you evoke anything?? That seems interesting! @Musta_Krackish

Go fuck yourself sceptic. What the fuck are you even doing on this site

Dude, you just swore at someone who hasn’t even been on this forum for 6 years. Any posts labelled “system” are from people who left the forum before it upgraded to the new Discourse software.

Oof. Learn something new every day. :joy: my bad

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I will advise, though, that you not make posts like that when replying to current members. It’s a sure way to get yourself removed from this forum. We have people here with a wide variety of experiences and opinions on “how things are,” and disagreement with someone’s opinion does not entitle you to be rude.

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