Moonlit Notes from the Abyss (Nyxifer's journal)

We interrupt this regularly scheduled broadcast to bring you haunting music to mourn the human condition by.

Stumbled across a passage from Steve Savedowā€™s book Goetic Evocation that pretty closely parallels the aftermath to my first evocation with Belial (ignoring his melodramatic pseudo-Christian interpretation of events):

Now I conducted my evocation alone in a separate room while my girlfriend was in an adjacent one, and while I felt a sense of euphoric power from the communion, she did experience the same nameless fear and incoming rush of a powerful, sentient force of ā€œevilā€ that led her to frantically run outside of our apartment. We also had the same aftereffect of spiritual contamination, in that a heaviness or thickness in the air palpably oozed from my temple area into our bedroom (and one that only seemed to agitate and worsen after attempts at banishing, but eventually dissipated). Likewise, I felt more at home in the energies but it gave my girlfriend nightmares and pretty extreme anxiety until it went away.

Iā€™m left wondering what determines how an individual will react to demonic energies: are some of us constitutionally predisposed to vibing better with the infernal, or is it more a matter of differing reality tunnels (if you believe that demons are malevolent and out to get you, this is what you will experience)? Iā€™m leaning more to the latter now that (more than a year later) sheā€™s had some very positive experiences with Azazel (but still wonā€™t fuck with Belial, lol). :thinking:

Be careful, lest in casting out your demon you exorcise the best thing in you.
ā€“Friedrich Nietzsche

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I think that predisposition shouldnā€™t be underestimated. My SO is a piece of wood when it comes to energies. He wouldnā€™t sense a presence if it would do a heated break dance right in front of him. The one and only presence that ever made me to think about leaving my seat ASAP was Focalor because it was REALLY REALLY heavy. And there my SO was, in the neighbouring room, totally oblivious. The only energy he receives so far is a funny little thing: he sleeps much better since I started with it.His sleep disorder is gone :smiley:


Hah, thatā€™s awesome! Yeah, itā€™s strange how some people are totally oblivious to spiritual energies while others notice them immediately. I tend to have to work at it whereas sheā€™s more naturally sensitive (I enjoy bugging the hell out of her by asking for verbal descriptions of what the energy in question feels like until she throws her hands up in exasperation :joy:).

They do say though that women tend to make better scryers and psychics than men but I wonder if thereā€™s any correlation between psychic ability and oneā€™s natal chart (maybe not specifically Sun sign but perhaps the associated element)? Iā€™m sure being raised in an environment that incorporates spiritual entities into oneā€™s worldview probably helps as well.

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Havenā€™t really been on for a while cuz of life 'n stuff, but figured Iā€™d pop back in to catch up with friends. On the plus side, blockages that were holding me back have been blown to smithereens, which has been a painful but necessary (and ultimately, very beneficial) process. The kicker is that Iā€™m pretty sure this is all just an extended result of a working I did with Belial close to two years ago. Took a while to manifest but goddamn is he effective at breaking chains, metaphorical and otherwise. :sunny:
