Money stopped coming to me

I’ve been running a law of attraction style bit of scripting that goes something like the following:
“Abundance comes easily and flows through me. I always have enough to share. I attract gifts, generosity, generous clients.”

I would advise switching from asking for money, because I believe that’s scripting the manifestation of the state of wanting to receive, to stating the reality that you have money and not only do you have money, you always have enough to share.

I would also consider what the lesson of this state is. Demons kick your ass, as far as my research has told me, when they think you need to learn a lesson. So I would say the spirit of money is not quarrelling with you, it’s waiting for you to hand in your paper to grade.

I mean, the lesson here is obvious: learn to close. If the client is impressed, you’re just missing a step of rolling their ball into your court. You are attracting money, you’re just not locking it down. I think you need less entity work and more roleplaying closing clients until you can manipulate people into agreeing to go ahead with ease.

Assume the sale. Don’t ask people questions like, “so what do you think?” “would you like to book an appointment” or put any onus on them to have to schedule like “get back to me with these details if you want to go ahead.”

“Send me the details and we can get started” is better. Always be confidently moving towards a close of your sale, assuming that you are getting the sale, speaking positively and planting that into their mind.

But if you want to work with an entity for this rather than practice with a human, I think King Paimon is a great choice for learning people manipulation skills.

Yeah, that’s because you’re bad at closing. You’re leaving the close in your client’s hands.

When the client goes quiet, send them a reminder.

To prevent the client from going quiet, always end with a proactive call to action that prevents them from getting executive function fatigue. Always be leading. You are in control of getting the sale. They came to inquire to you because they want your service, and while some people won’t buy because you don’t have the service they want or the price they want, the only way you can get the research is by asking questions.

Quite frankly the market is rough right now but if people are inquiring and you’re not getting sales, it’s your skills at closing. That’s it. That’s the lesson. Learn to lead when you have an inquiry and guide people through the process of becoming your client, instead of waiting for them to take initiative and guide you into it. Because then you only end up with the most proactive clients, and those are rare.

I do genuinely believe the best entity I know of for learning people manipulation skills is the great King Paimon, but that what both of you two need to do is very mundane: roleplay closing sales with other humans until you truly understand the psychology of the close.

I attribute my incredible success rate at closing inquiries to my business to this practice.

The majority of inquiries I do not close on are because I didn’t want that client. If I get an inquiry, 90% of the time they buy my service. Because they’re a hot lead and I know how to roll them the rest of the way into going for it. Cold leads are a different story, and my success rate with cold leads is more like 1/10, but you both describe getting inquiries.

This is not a flaw of money-attracting entities. They’re attracting you potential money through the easiest window you have into your bank account.

This is about learning to manipulate people. You aren’t hooking the fish they sent your way. Why are they going quiet? You are failing to lead them into the close.

You two should practice with each other.


You’re thinking of things wrong.

You can still give people money, but don’t think of it as giving money away. Think of it as making a sale. If you see a beggar on the street, by all means give him money if you want to, but don’t give him money for no reason. Buy something.

You can buy a handshake, or a feeling of satisfaction. You can buy the knowledge of his name. You can buy the feeling of helping someone. He doesn’t need to know that he sold you something, but he did. It was a transaction.

The money you’re giving him is not going away. The money is flowing through you. To get to this man, the money had to go through you first, like water in a river.

If you give your niece $50 on her birthday, you’ve still bought her a gift. You bought her the gift of choice. You bought yourself the gift of satisfaction. You bought yourself the gift of not having to stress over what to get her.

Never give money away. Give money and take something in return.


I was told by a church prophet some weeks before the money drought started that a family member who is a woman has done something to stop me from getting money because she didnt want me richer than her sons. I had 2 suspects and I had had to tell some of my cousins to leavey family house and go get their own place. Their mother was one of my suspects but I was sure because she had motive to be mad at me for asking her sons to move out.

Fast forward some months later and a shaman told me the same thing. This was when I was deep into the brokeness. The corroborated the vision. He told me a woman is mad at me because she feels I cheated her sons. That was when I eliminated the other suspect and narrowed it down to my cousins mom (who is my in-law).

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I am actually taking some courses at the moment for better client communication.

I really hate when hardship makes me learn by force. I prefer learning even when I have, and that is something I always pray for.

The last client I got actually blocked me after he agreed terms with me and I finished rendering my service to him. So I dont think it is just in my ability to close deals.

If you think someone’s done something, do a clearing and banishing to get rid of anything they’ve sent. Then spend some time sitting in silence just focusing on feeling your subtle body, noticing where anything is “off” (such as implants or attachments) and then feel and visualise yourself pulling them out, you can also proclaim aloud that you invoke your sovereign right to be free of interference from others, that will help out.

After that, look into the Warding and Shielding threads here and setup some protection. I’d also suggest doing a road opener spell to help remove any other blocks in your path.

Finally, you need a good deterrent in place. If they think they can attack you and get away with it then there’s no reason they won’t try again once you remove it, I would suggest that you hit back at them. Since it’s financial related, I’d suggest that you do a rite where you feel all your negative emotions relating to finance (such as scarcity and lack) leaving you pouring into them and destroying them from within.

I wouldn’t say it seems like a curse to me, from what I sense it’s more like a thoughtform or parasitic attachment but I could always be wrong, divinate and confirm.

Yeah, that one would be a standard scam (it’s happened to me too), and would be more like your ability to ensure you get protected, such as not rendering services before you receive payment, or doing a deposit, since that will weed out people who had no intention to pay at all. Or using an escrow service such as Upwork. Never let people have the finished work before payment is complete. I usually get a 50% deposit and then when they have a single step left, send the invoice and once it’s paid, send them the final part of the work.

Absolutely that’s a shit bro. Next time ask the prophet what exactly she did to stop the money from coming to you…

I think you were right about my communication and ability (or inability) to close deals. I have to take a second look at how I have communicated with clients and I think it could use a bit of work.

Dont gete wrong, I dont think that is the sole problem here. But it is definitely something I have to improve on.

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Usually people’s problems are multi-faceted, so that makes sense for me. If you can improve any of the problems feeding into the issue, it will improve overall and free up space for you to work on some of the other issues! Good luck with your business venture.