I generally agree, with the minor addition that magick can make routes appear, in order to get that money - routes which the person wasn’t aware of before, or which were highly improbable, and yet they worked. (Also, insurance payments, refunds of mis-sold things like PPI in the UK, and even welfare payments and grants may exist that the person doesn’t initially know about. But that’s another topic.)
So I would stop one step short of insisting the person must know in advance they have routes in place.
It’s like with Law of Attraction, they teach you cannot, and shouldn’t even try to, micro-manage the universe and how it’s going to deliver to you. Apart from anything else, you can’t always be aware of all the possibilities out there.
Just do the work with full faith/conviction, and keep your eyes open for all possible new routes opening up.
Some people have claimed they found money in the street where none should be, and without doubting their experience, I’m not sure finding someone else’s dropped money is compatible with everyone’s value system (it doesn’t sit well with me, really), but then you also get into “well what if they were a criminal” or “well what if the money…(insert why you deserve it more than them)” etc.
Also, it’s always worth running a check on whether it’s money you need, or something else, but not to the point of this progression, which is deadly, but typical of a lot of newage thought:
- I want money
- Why do you want it?
- To buy a new car and afford a holiday
- Why do you need a new car and holiday?
- To be able to travel more and have a restful relaxing break
- Why do you need to travel more, and have a break?
- Because it will make me happier
- AHA! See, just concentrate on being happy right as you are, and you save yourself all that worry, and stress, and desires, potential disappointment…
… and so the whitelighter has led that person one step along the “renounce the world” path, when they neither wanted it nor sought it - but once they begin, oh damn, the world will begin to renounce them back twice as hard.
I mean sorry, that is very slightly off-topic, but I wanted to qualify my statement of being sure money is always the only thing which will satisfy your desire, without ending up in that very destructive “renounce everything” place.