Midnight Theme : Dark Skin For Forum Now Installed

Than you will find out you have been munching on Haggis all along.


Thats…thats so mean :cry::joy::laughing:

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Im only Joking.

But where’s the adventure in that?! Lol i was telling someone yesterday, i will eat just about anything at least once if no one tells me what it is first xD


I will eat anything at least once even knowing what it is. And that’s how I discovered that ants taste like sour candies.




i will be able to use BALG forum again!

hahaha that white stuff was so bad i did not even publicly apologize for leaving hahaha

HELL-0 my dear black brothers let’s soar


Is this available on mobile? I saw a screenshot of someone with a darktheme on mobile but I can’t seem to find the setting for it.

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Press on your profile and select the Dropbox. Then go to interface and select themes.


Oh, a fine addition to my edgelord persona. :face_with_monocle:

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You have to go to the desktop version and look in preferences

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How do I change mine - bearing in mind my trick playing eyesight to begin with

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I’ve changed it for you, apparently I can do that folks so hit me up if you run into problems. :+1:


Thanks. Much better on the eyes

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Yes please.


Nice addition, many thanks.

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Love it! Thank you

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Hi I am new here I am on my second day and I am completely intrigued by the level of intelligent knowledge, I have put in hours of reading and learned more in two days then I have in the past decade. But I am unable to view this features and am worried that I will loose access, how do I go further?

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Sometimes, people on some devices cannot access this feature, I can set it for you though if you want.

You will not lose access due to this feature to change the background not being accessible, and I will soon be sending you a message with general info about the forum in. :+1:

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Thank you

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