Manipulating a person

Enjoy the journey :wink: you’re in good hands


Have you ever heard of Bhut Jolokia purple chilli veriaty seeds for sale on Ebay not expensive. They would look rather lovely in your garden add some lovely color.:sunglasses:


Just the name of those sounds hot. Lol. I havent heard if that but I will definitely look into it. :wink: thank you. They sound great.

Ok so. We had discussed and all I did was write on a sticky note

so and so name
so and so name’s birthdate
Will pay back the debt of debt amount to my full name immediately.

Then I drew an inverted pentagram over the whole thing and placed it with her photo. As I looked over both of them (using the same tactic as opening a sigil) thoughts began flowing into my head unhindered of her apologizing and soon after beginning to pay me back for what I’m owed.

And then, literally right after I set everything down and shredded the sticky note, she messaged me. I havent been able to get ahold of her all week. And then suddenly I do. :slight_smile:


How did you get close to Lucifer? Total newbie here and lots of different suggestions on here

I’ve been having great success with Lucifer and Belial. They are both so helpful and protective. Lucifer is kind and funny. He held me after my dog died. Belial is more stern but not without compassion and kindness. Just less playful. We all watch tv and movies together and they guide me through spells and rituals and evocations. Tell me who to contact, when and how. What spells to work and when. How to do them. Keeping them simple but effective. They are awesome. I love them very much. Praise Lucifer. Praise Belial.


have you used divination to find what will work for you?

so far all the things i’ve tried (which granted are limited) dont seem to have worked, except my tarot cards

do you know of a way to use my cards to maybe divine what magick might work for me?

@Hs_Panda, this post is way back, what is your goal? Learn divination?

Meat up with her and tell her its about time to pay back what she ows. If she refuse then you know what needs to come.

i guess i dont have a set goal in mind beyond learning and advancing on what works?

Well @Hs_Panda, I think the manipulating magick doesn’t work that good for me. Enslave a person with free will is really hard. If you read around here even advanced magicians who do love/enslaving spells mostly don’t have a good outcome. But setting intend on getting something that belongs to you is not that hard. Even with Angelic magick… I’m in between worlds. Work with Angels and with the Fallen ones.

Writing down your intend. And meditate on it. And then forget it, usually get’s something into the universe. Divination I do with a pendulum and sometimes talking (telepathy).

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how do you “forget about it”? i’ve been trying a few spells with the intent/knowledge that they will only work once i’ve forgotten about them, bbbuuuttt i’m struggling with the forgetting part and they seem to be always in the back of my mind

Hah @Hs_Panda good question. I needed to think about your question. Because if something is important to someone, then there is no way they are going to forget. But it’s all about the intend, you give to it…

Let’s say you do a spell. And sometimes you see the result, sometimes you don’t.
You can think about your wish, what you want. Imagine that you already have it… No problem in that.

But the negative thoughts are the problem. ‘This spell isn’t going to work’.
Making it so heavy that the only logical result can be that it fails.

Stay positive…