Magick for family problems?

I come from a religious family who are very controlling and interfere in every aspect of my life.
I still live at home as employment opportunities are not great right now to save and get a house of my own
Growing up i was never allowed out past a certain time and when i did go out the phone was going non stop asking where i was and what i was doing then when i didn’t respond my parents would call me and leave voicemails in very angry mannerisms.
I am now 34 and still the same behaviour

Is there any spells or demons who can help them become less controlling and stop interfering in my business?

Try a binding, such as “Vovin’s freeze spell”, which is posted here somewhere… but combine it with telling them you don’t appreciate their interference and cutting back on contact, and telling them they are pushing you away. If they don’t know they can’t fix it.


Oh my gosh, what a awful situation maybe you can ask King Paimon and or King Belial to change this situation.

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Yes i feel very resentful in the way i have been manipulated my whole life
I mean they have looked after me my whole life and gave me a roof over my head and food clothes etc but its just this controlling and telling me whats right and what isn’t.

All my friends have left because they got sick of trying to fit me in the time schedule i have and also men have dumped me numerous times as i am not allowed to stay over night or go on vacations and only allowed out until 11pm.

The thing is i don’t want anything negative to happen as i have nowhere to go if i was thrown out my apartment since i live with them

Here I found the freezing spell.

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I can tell you a bit about a ritual I once did to help a friend out. I have a friend that lives in Turkey and he is a teacher, he is doing that job because he was working on his Ph.D. Needless to say, he needed his job.

My friend knew I was into magick, he told me, he was very very very stressed out because his boss (the head teacher) was constantly screaming at him and venting his frustrations on him. Basically using my friend as a personal emotional pushing bag. I intuitively knew that the sudden erratic behavior of his boss was due to a foreign ‘energy’ I asked my friend for a picture and the name of his boss. And told my friend I will do a ritual to try to help him.

I took my two universal circle’s lay them down, summoned King Belial, and ask him to remove all hostility from the head teacher, and caused him to act friendly towards my friend. I showed the pictures of my friend and his boss and named them their names.

I forgot about the ritual and did my daily things, a few weeks later my friend texted me, he was very very happy and acted totally different than the previous time I spoke with him. He thanked me, and told me that my magick was powerful.

His boss did a 180
And stopped completely with his negative behavior and when my friend walked through the hallways of the building and would meet his boss, his boss would ask him how he was doing. Even at one time holding my friend’s hand and saying that he was like a son to him.

Look I do not know if any of this is true, because my friend told me this and did not provide any evidence. But I do not think my friend would go out of his way to lie to me about this situation and everything that followed.

Magick can always go wrong, but I do not suspect that the demons, would hurt your oppressors, especially if you state that, that is not an option.