Luiciferian conundrum

Thank you for this information! Never heard it before.


Don’t forget this guy. :joy::ok_hand:

Clearly the demonic Emperor of hell is not how this word has been used for most of it’s life.

They even use this descriptive for Jesus.

A lot of people (protestants) will say “Aha! told you they were Satanic!” Satanist will say “Aha! Told you they were hypocrites!” Zeitgeist people (mythicist) will say “Aha! told you it was all copied from pagans!”

All three know nothing about Greek or Latin and use this video as confirmation bias. The Baal Kadmon videos do a great service to show case why this has become a conundrum.


If the Muslims, Christians, etc wanted to destroy demons, and those they demonize then they’d have destroyed all references to them and preached there is NO hell. By trying the fear route (which is really human priests trying to control the masses for their own gain), they have created more opposition. In the aspect of adversarialism, the Christians promote it quite a bit IMHO. Now, some churches I have been to didn’t preach damnation but the majority have certainly talked about it.

Hell could very well be a construct of self or delusions of the masses by deceptions of the church. Who is really the evil on the earth? Those who conquer will always try to write the story as they see fit to deceive the masses and maintain their hold of control. Everything is fear, shame, submission, promises and trickery from the Church.

If they truly were concerned with aiding the peoples of the planet then their humanitarian relief would focus on good will no matter what the culture they help. Maybe they are better than they were but only because they are dominant atm. I’m sure they see the arts that reveal various freedoms of choice as a threat. This uh exorcism rise is an example of fear again about “demons” and the gates of hell opening up. Having lived in a very controlled environment for most my life by a control freak I would turn away from the Christian heaven every time because they don’t offer anything I want.

They aren’t the narrow path they preach but the wide path and force that threatens to swarm the world and burn any who oppose in eternal flames and those flames are from their god like that horrid writing from that PUritan preacher Jonathan Edwards.

He is merely presenting archetypal concepts for the mind to use to tune itself towards. Lucifer as the giver of knowledge, or the rebellious one, or whatever the concept. Lucifer will appear to you as you seek him; a benevolent benefactor, an unyielding rebellion, or whatever concept you are meditating on to create a channel. Christian mythology the most popular as many of us are recovering Christians.

I’d like to hear this story whenever you have the time. No rush at all.

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Just one note to your wonderful retelling: they used hominids, NOT monkeys. There was already a bipedal, though primitive, species here at the time.

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Thanks for pointing it out. I’m not sure about the exact species they used. Good info!

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