Lucifer’s(my dad’s) bloodline, and is this really him? Images

I can’t speak to Lucifer but Belial for one is known for testing people who contact him for the first time. Not so much to prove that you’re “worthy”, whatever that means, but that you have the gumption to stand up for yourself and not be a slave to fear (IMO). :man_shrugging:


I agree with this because Lucifer is anything but abusive. If you are truly his daughter and I think you might be right. Do not look at your current life as the life you had with his as his child.

Lucifer has a bad rep thanks to Christians but he really isn’t gay bad. He is caring a protective especially of his own. Even more so of his blood line. You need to clear your mind of all the things that have happened to you. And focus on what was and what could he. Then and only then will you start hearing the true messages. It’s pretty amazing when you find out who you are and who your parents are and so on. Enjoy the process and believe me you will be wrong only to find the truth. If you have any questions on anything I can help you.


Thank you this really helps. Thank you so much. :slightly_smiling_face:.

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You are so welcome. Look at past lives as giant puzzles. As you grow more in your craft, power and skill the more you will be able to put together. As you learn and grow you will see what is true message and what is in your head. Then one day you will wake up and just know. The doubt will slowly slip away too. Having foggy messages and meanings are normal I still have some that I wonder how I even got that now that know how to read myself and visions and messages better.


Hahaha yeah Belial lifted me out of my dreams into the astral and threw me in an arena with some sort of monster. It only stopped when I called out to him to let him know I had enough. Confused me horribly, still called him up a few days later. I adore him.


@anon34967090 Lucifer will never shun you, nor any other spirit like him. They are actually quite fond of us… Just rest in that knowledge, grow, learn, and do your best to puzzle it all together.

Don’t worry. You are young, and you have time. Just rest with the knowledge that you “will find home” soon enough, and never stop growing :slight_smile:

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Lucifer is the only being that I will worship. Only because if how much he has done for me. All others I stand beside. He still works his teachings through me, and my entire life has been restructured.

If you are indeed his daughter, then be grateful.

Perhaps your ascent will be easier or harder than us who are rooted in the physical and only embody our godhood when it is needed.

I dont really worry about my heritage, I am the God of my universe, my bloodline means little, physical or spiritual. Having demonic lineage means very little if you aren’t using that power to your advantage.

He appears to most of us in differing ways, so.e simply see a ball of radiant light, I saw a beautiful man with olive skin, back length black hair, black wings, bare chest, burning yellow eyes, and a serene smile. He has spoken to me, and tells me he is proud of me.

Do I doubt your story, at this point in my journey, I give all stories the benefit of the doubt.


Spirits (demons included) don’t have a true physical form. They can shapeshift into whatever they desire.

And like @Narsonix said, dreams aren’t meant to be taken literally. Having a dream where you’re Lucifer’s daughter could mean that he’s accepted you as a student or something.

In my experience, he likes to speak cryptically and let the listener come up with their own interpretations.


On their plane they do, but not all can shapeshift, some use illusions and manipulation of the individual’s perception. However, on their plane they are flesh and blood in most cases. Their children also inherit their traits just as we inherit our ancestors traits.



I understand. Yeah. However I’m positive I am his daughter. I felt his embrace last night, faintly in my dream. I’m prepared to learn as much as I can. :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m more than grateful, I’ve always waited for a father to care for my treasures and my hopes and dreams. And here he is. I want to learn lots from him. :slightly_smiling_face:


I don’t think he has a pure form. If he does, I doubt it’s human. I’ve seen him in man forms. And Hecate.

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Why can’t it be a human form? The human form isn’t exclusive to humans and it’s unlikely humans were the first to have this form.


Spirits, from what I’m aware, don’t have true forms. They take any form they’d like.

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Visit them in their own plane and they will, many evoke or invoke so it’s a lot different from actually going to the plane their from where they are solid and in the flesh. Invoke and evoke and you get whatever they want to show you.

How do I visit them on their own plane?

I give them nick names i call him Lue and Leviathan Levi and furfur Jacob it doesn’t bother them when i do it… Maybe try to have a relationship with them and then go from there

There are many ways xD

Here is a simple method:

Use their Seal with the intent to go to their plane. Mentally project the Seal in the air, and activate that projection. Ask for permission to enter their plane, and see a doorway or gate open up to you. Walk through. If you dont have a seal to work with, connect with the spirit and ask them to open a portal for you or walk you to their realm.

Quite similar to journeying actually :stuck_out_tongue:


And no from how he physically came to me last year he had really long whiteish blonde hair and golden yellow eyes tall and a very soft sill voice he has on a mask when he came so only thing I remember I his eye color