Love Spells

No, there is not. Seduction is 90% you and only 10% the other person. It has more to do with how you carry yourself and how interesting you appear than anything else.

Even the greatest seducers of all time, like Casanova, scored only 60-70% of the time.


You are going to have to put in the work to be knee deep in the sweet spot. Spells aren’t always the best thing to get something done. Again I say do a search for how to be a pick up artist. It is a whole scene by itself.


Good stuff bro. I used to study PUA religiously so shoot me a PM if you’d like some recommendations on good stuff. Otherwise, definitely work on you and good things can happen. :sunglasses::muscle:t4:


Will do bro

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You’re a highschooler according to your intro, so no.

Work hard on the stuff you’re good at in school, keep your testosterone levels at normal (quite a challenge these days) and generally focus on keeping yourself whole and strong.

Women are attracted most to men who have something they’ve accomplished, this is why groupies are a thing, and those same famous dudes would not get any attention if they were driving buses and digging roads.


Lol I have no advise but U made my day with that question :joy: I’m a female and even I don’t have that many girls messaging me !

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Jesus christ on a motorbike
I thought u were joking but it seems you are serious


In the angel of love book by zanna bliase, there is an attraction spell for friends. THe seduction spell is focus on one person and then there is also the same spell used for general people you meet. that might help you.