Love Spells

Use money spells to make shit ton of money and get your pick of sugar babies then.

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I dont think tht would work im in hs

Then start making future plans then?

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Ok what about a mass seduction spell, would that attract alot of females to me?

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Shower daily, keep up on the latest fashion, and learn how to properly speak. Looking your best, feeling your best and plain old charm can get you hella far in life.


Get this book. Or learn about becoming a pick up artist.

The Pickup Artist: The New and Improved Art of Seduction

Stop living in fantasy land and come back to the real world. You’re a teenager, and magick is not like it is in the movies. It is highly improbable that you’ll get the porn style orgy so why don’t you focus on just attracting one person first?

If you can’t land the girl next door, then you don’t stand any chance of landing multiple girls next door.

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On JOS there’s the instruction of putting around someone an aura, at the moment I don’t remember if green, pink or red; anyway these are the colors dealing with love and passion. You would build a working containing various elements such as the root breathing exercise given on a topic on this forum: inhale sending red energy in Muladhara and from there this energy would exit to surround your body. Then you may do other cycles of breathing, imagining of drawing down energy from the planet Venus.
As for Spirits, draw their sigils on paper, look at each one calling the entity’s name, welcome and address them stating your goal.

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Ok, ill be a little more realistic, how can i get multiple girls to start texting me? Im not looking for an orgy or anything like that, just alot more female friends/ relationships


cool to have. i would like that too. however, very unrealistic. you know ladies. they sooo dramatic and have drama where its not needed.

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So there is no such think as a mass seduction spell?

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Even if there was, it would largely depend on the internal state of yourself. Making yourself the most attractive version of yourself (I.e, a combination of natural and supernatural means) would likely produce faster results than a general, “make all da wimens drop their panties” spell, though if you discover one, please remember to send me a PM about it. :sunglasses:


No, there is not. Seduction is 90% you and only 10% the other person. It has more to do with how you carry yourself and how interesting you appear than anything else.

Even the greatest seducers of all time, like Casanova, scored only 60-70% of the time.


You are going to have to put in the work to be knee deep in the sweet spot. Spells aren’t always the best thing to get something done. Again I say do a search for how to be a pick up artist. It is a whole scene by itself.


Good stuff bro. I used to study PUA religiously so shoot me a PM if you’d like some recommendations on good stuff. Otherwise, definitely work on you and good things can happen. :sunglasses::muscle:t4:


Will do bro

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You’re a highschooler according to your intro, so no.

Work hard on the stuff you’re good at in school, keep your testosterone levels at normal (quite a challenge these days) and generally focus on keeping yourself whole and strong.

Women are attracted most to men who have something they’ve accomplished, this is why groupies are a thing, and those same famous dudes would not get any attention if they were driving buses and digging roads.


Lol I have no advise but U made my day with that question :joy: I’m a female and even I don’t have that many girls messaging me !

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Jesus christ on a motorbike
I thought u were joking but it seems you are serious


In the angel of love book by zanna bliase, there is an attraction spell for friends. THe seduction spell is focus on one person and then there is also the same spell used for general people you meet. that might help you.