Lilith's a fuck'n milf

People often forget, these daemons that have existed throughout eons, lengthy periods of time. They are incredibly patient with our human mind. Let that sink in. Our experiences and thoughts are usually entirely subjective.

They are patient, with our human minds.
They should never feel pressured, rushed, or disrespected — because at this point, we are only a fragment to them, and whether we want to remain in contact with them or not, they’re still very patient towards the human mind.

I’m unsure what to think if entities/deities hear our thoughts and words even when we aren’t “tapped” into them; what would piss them off the most is lying to them, not meeting promises that were made, changing your request last second and not giving respect when due. (Calling Paimon only Paimon and not King Paimon).


See? There we go. @Lady_Eva even he wants it closed as much as i do.
