Let's trade attunements!

Hello fellow balg denizens,

I had an epiphany a few days back while discussing the Angels of omnipotence, I thought it would be a fun and helpful exercise for balg members to have a forum to exchange the various attunements that you have purchased or received from entities yourselves.

Most of the attunements making the rounds would be of the type offered by Jareth Tempest and he does not mind sharing as long as money isn’t changing hands.

I suggest we only do fair swaps and list what we have available and what we are looking for, then one could go to PM to exchange details like real names and geographic info if deemed necessary.

So without further ado, I have Omnipotence 1,2 and 3 which can be sent via a single Chi ball and also Sallos, Beleth and Haagenti available to trade. I would specifically like any of the Enocian attunements but would also be keen on any goetics like Sitri, Raum, Astaroth etc.


Sorry @anon87599888, I had to edit your post. A rule of this community is:

We usually don’t know how PDF hosting sites or services came into the possession of their files, so we don’t take any risks in that regard :slight_smile:


Ah thanks, I thought I might have missed a rule somewhere! :+1:t2:


Sorry i dont have any but i would love to have any attunement doesnt have to be from jareth if anyone here would be so kind to give me i would appreciate it3>

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Sure why not, look at the ones I’ve listed and let me know which of them take your fancy then drop me a PM with your name and location. I’ll send your chi ball over the coming weekend👍🏻

How can you send an attunements purchased ???

I’ll be in it! Send me one for Agares or Sallos and I’ll send you one back.

Hello I have Sitri, Azazel, and Dantallion’s attunement!

Would love to trade, For all levels of Omnipotence and for Beleth’s attunemenent.

I’m also looking for Agares’ attunement if anyone has it.

Thanks i sent you a dm

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Excellent, great to see a thread like this.

For those who have never received an attunement before, be aware that there can sometimes be some short term side effects. These are changes to your energy system, so sometimes blockages or stuck traumas etc can kick loose (for want of a better analogy). This is good as this will allow them to be processed through, but it could be a little disconcerting for those not expecting it.
Typically side effects will pass within hours to a few days.
Note also that there can sometimes be physical purging effects, such as a little unusual sweating, or bodily waste voiding. Again, often won’t happen, if it does likely will be very short term.

With JT’s enochian attunements, be aware that these are strong. He actually warns of this before you purchase. I recommend these only for people with a decent amount of energy work experience.


Hi @Victor_Only,

The instructions on how to pass on attunements are given in the PDF’s, from a distance you create a Chi ball and then command it to go to whoever you want on this pale blue dot of ours.


Hi @Eliade,

I’ll send you a chi ball with Sallos, let me know which ones you have to pass on and drop me a PM with your name etc. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi @Gab,

That sounds like a good trade, I’d like all three you have listed and I’ll send all three levels of Omnipotence in one Chi ball with a separate one for Beleth. Let’s go to PM for more detail. :metal:t2:

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I am pondering. JT’s manuals include instructions for attuning objects (as opposed to just charging objects) with energy from ones attunements, and for specific purposes. I’ve been experimenting for some time with attuning images to energies for specific purposes.
Could one then attune an image for the purpose of passing the attunement to the user? If so, attunements could be more widely and easily given rather than doing chi balls for each individual?


If you are feeling generous I have the Dantalion attunement. I was interested in your Angels of Omnipotence.

I’ve been experimenting with attunements and servitors for a long time. So here are a couple of handy tips regarding servitors and attunements:

-Channelling energy with your attunements is great for feeding servitors. Just be sure to include provision for this in their feeding instructions
I often do group feedings, calling in all of my servitors and telling them to feed on the energy I channel for them and to share equally in the feeding.

-You can attune your servitors to your attunements. Just be sure to include provision for this in their instructions.
I include that they use the attunement to channel energy to feed themselves when needed. I find that manual feeding is needed far less frequently with this method.
I also include that they can channel the energies to assist with their core work (when the attunement is relevant to their core task of course), but it has hard to gauge whether this is effective- ie, to what extent it contributes to the result and to what extent is the servitors work that it would have achieved without that facility.

-A degree of congruity between the energy and the purpose of the servitor is helpful in feeding in my experience. Ie, baneful servitors seem to gain less from a healing attunement than something more broad functioned like Omnipotence.


I can offer omnipotence level 1-3, Leviathan, Tiamat, Abraxas, Hecate,Leviathan, Lucifer…All of them received from the founder Jareth. Interested mostly by enochian and genius attunement from him. I work mainly with Omnipotence, Hecate and Abraxas on daily basis so for me these are become the more potent.


Can anyone do a kundalini reiki attunement? I can try to do the same for you.

Anyone have Pikachu? Sorry, couldn’t resist.

I’m interested in obtaining any of JT’s kabbalistic attunements. I have a fair few attunements I can trade. Note that I’ll limit myself to trading no more than one a day as I am quite busy.

JT’s Empowerments (as opposed to the full attunements):
-Michael sphere of protection
-Sitri aura of lust
-Beleth inflame with passion

JT’s full attunements:
-Enochian healing
-Enochian belonging
-Genius weightloss
-Omnipotence 1-3

Other attunements:
-Mental flush 1 and 2 (helps clear negative thinking)
-Aura flush empowerment (basically a gentle sweeping of crap out of the aura, Ive been doing this twice a day for a long time)
-Chakra flush empowerment (similar to the above, but a gentle sweep of crap from the chakras, i’ve been doing this daily for a long time)

As you can probably guess, I went through a period of a year or so in which I got a bit obsessed with attunements :slight_smile: The downside being that I got so many that I probably haven’t committed enough time to working with each one.

My own experimental custom attunements:
-Entepathy- To enhance my deliberate telepathic influence work by increasing the power, clarity, focus and strength of my willfully sent telepathic signals.
-Univlst-To cause anyone the energy is directed towards to feel intense physiological, energetic and psychological lust towards the operator.
-Noyher- to reconnect the operator with joy
-Hapriety- to relieve the target’s desire for alcohol and promote pleasure in sobriety

I must stress that experimental is a key word in the above. I am still exprimenting with creating my own custom attunements. The above listed do (in my experience) bring through strong energy when utilised, but I am still experimenting to determine their efficacy in terms of delivering the targeted result. If you would like to receive one to experiment with, let me know.


Sorry but I have lost my messages so pm me again if you want the initiations. I will give one initiation per day or every 2 days. When attunement is ready I will send message
I have many other attunement not necessary from Jareth but for example I have many Javanese systems ( some were very pricey to get) like Tenaga Dalam, Gtumo, Khodamic systems etc I’m open to share especially for Jareth Tempest Enochian systems as I work already with Unversal Magick and wish to add these attunements to see what they can do…