Kunda Yoga

It makes use of the science of Asana, mandala, and mantra to create a dynamic of synergy.

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Thank yo for explaining that. I was mediataing and I found a gateway… a dorr and when I went through it was the (a?) void. It was dark and chaotic and I was standing there and there were entities there, kinda doing their own thing and someone came up to me and said something like what are you doing here? I looked around and idk… tried to read the place and learn what it was and I got loud and clear realization of everything that is, comes from this chaos and this nothingness. I felt the energy, the potential and power of the place. But I felt it changing me so I left because I did not know what that would have done to me. So what you said resonates with me as true. I have already seen it. But I am not sure where to go from here. What do you think would have happened to me if I had stayed there? I mean what would the change that was starting have done to me in a real sense? Not that that isn’t real. It was. I mean in physical ummm… consequences… What would… Do you think it would have helped me on my ascension? I am changing and the energy is now black not white like it was. It feels a lot stronger as well. But I am not sure what to do next…

Can I ask a question? I’ve seen lots of stuff floating around about the dissolution of the chakras recently. I’ve encountered lots of chakra practitioners in my own travels. I’ve been thinking a bit about chakras recently and would really love some clarification. The way I understand chakras is that they represent a certain energy, and when not in that energy they are ‘unbalanced’ - this is according to the practitioners I’ve encountered. Is this the cage you’re talking about? The oppression and reduction of human nature into right and wrong to serve an external religious idea? And is the dissolution or return to the void you’re talking about, the dissolution of these rules? The dissolution back into the all and nothing? Anyway, I could be way off the mark lol :joy: it makes sense in my brain.

I’m very new, is your book for beginners? Or is it something that I would need some more foundation in magic tradition (meditation, ceremonial magic etc.) to practice. I’m really interested, but I also don’t want to completely destroy myself cuz - life.

I would really love any insight!
Thank you :blush:

Bump… because I’d like to hear some insight into those last two questions too.