Journal of A Grand Demon: Micahs Journal

I’m not good at translating things, but one thing I was taught is that you are not only you. You are everyone. You are in everyone. When you encounter someone who is blocking your way, you can curse them… or you can become them and move them as them. You become like water, in more places than one moving all things at once because you are all things. You are more than you. You are more powerful than you know. This is a powerful tool.


Holy shit
So simple so profound


I’m inboxing you something cool today in a few hours x Micah has a lot of friends so he has nothing to worry x

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I’m glad you find it helpful :blush:

You may find this interesting

The topic of “as within and. So without” regardin entities is talked about a bit when expanded upon with the principle of correspondence the part that purification of one’s self and/or one’s life can have an effect on the other.

You purify yourself of that which outwardly blocks may to serve to repel situations and people that get in your way or they seem to take themselves out your sphere. Where as if you did work to clear blockages internally you may find yourself grinding gears with people who may not align with your way energetically. Getting into seemingly random arguments with friends,family coworkers ect. This may or may not result in severing ties depending on how the situations are handled.

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Interesting I’ll check this out.

Things are at a standstill. Subtle motion is occuring, but rather slowly. I meditated on the Dark Gods and could feel them around me. They seemed happy and also seemed to feed me power as my hate increased. Ironic, ik, but hey we are Dark Gods :joy:

I re did the lake of fire ritual today as well and didnt feel shit lol. I am fighting this lull so i am gonna use all my knowledge to kick my ass into an even higher gear than normal

So I went to Kay Jewlers yesterday to get my mom a Diamond Necklace, right? Turns out i picked up some spirit that has tried to posses me.
And its partially gone. No banishings havent worked.

Turns out it was Ahriman (or maybe an impostor) that was doing it. Funny, because both Ahriman and Satan are my Godforms.

Either way, i dont give a fuck about the Will of my own Godform. For real. I dont tolerate shit from the Demons we work with no matter how ancient and i wont tolerate shit from my own fuckin Godself.
And yes i have fought with myself on the astral before.
My other concern is cleansing myself of the energy in my grandmas place. Its fuckin weird and i hate going there cause of the energy.

I dont even feel comfortable getting horny there :joy:
I exorcised the place and the energy still came back. So i dont fuckin know

Somethin has to break through to you

In other news, someone told me to “evoke their dick, suck it, and report back what flavor it was” :joy::joy::joy:
Ill give the fucker kudos for the comeback, but lets just say that thr spirits took care and are taking care of that

Havent heard from the fucker since.

I refuse to be disrespected after i have given out so much fuckin help.

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That’s gold :rofl::joy::joy::joy:


Ikr :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: @Svartulf

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Last Evocation

I followed my normal evocation procedure and had my chalice, athame, sigils, etc out and charged with omnipotence.

I raised the vibrations of my temple to formative levels. I was ready.

I evoked Paltator, Eros, And Asmodeus in succession one at a time.

Nobody showed up.

Tried again.

Nobody showed up.

I sensed that the entire ritual was blocked. Like…BLOCKED.
I got a overall negative vibe coming from them.
Yeah yeah i fuckin banished and checked to see if it was an impostor. It was them.

The sigil flashed, and everything.

Idk what the hell to do. I will not give up, but i need to find out what is blocking me!!
What the fuckin hell is powerful enough to block a ritual that has OMNIPOTENCE flowing through every nook and cranny?!

Fuck. The. Bullshit.

I must find the source of this.
Im sick of being told, “Its you blocking you” and similar bullshit ideas.

Fuck the lies. Fuck the spiritual platitudes. I will make this shit work.

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Kali obliterates blockages. You might try chanting one of her mantras while looking at a picture of her. Om Kleem Kalikaye Namaha will do the trick. 108 times a day for 40 days, or 1000 times a day for 10 days if you want to go hardcore. Her energy is pretty intense, though. I’d be nervous about doing 1000 reps. However–if your baneful workings are causing the blockages, she will dynamite the shit out of them and things might get messy. Might want to re-evaluate the wisdom and necessity of any curses you have going. Since she’s a manifestation of the Shakti current, she’ll also help with your root chakra issues if you’re still having those and any energy blockages.

If you’d prefer something cuddly and less harrowing, you can try Ganesh. He’s not exactly gentle either.


Damn its been a while…

So I have been working with Satan and Azazel amongst others through possesion and energy work. Its been some shit, but Im making progress. Im actually understanding the mechanisms behind TGS, Moving energy, etc.

I am now working on getting success with my spells and Evocations.

Came close to really saying “fuck this shit” but I didnt. Never give up.
My reading skills are getting better little by little…and i am starting to be more confident in my interactions with people.

Had a conversation with the girl im trying to lay…i have a good feeling about this shit.

Just a little further to go :smiling_imp:


I am happy for your progress, its good to see that after so many tests you’re doing good bro
Also, how´s Satan for you?

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Damm, dude I didn’t know that you were going through so much.

Now, I see why our project wasn’t successful. With all this other stuff going on, your energy is all over the place.

If there’s any way that I can help, man. Just PM me.

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Well well well…! How interesting! insert evil smile

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When you 49 years on this earth (if you make it) - if you re-read this post you’ll blush.


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Haha thnks guys
Im doing good now.

In the middle of War/Forced Evolution concerning the Dojo, but We. Will. Win.

Hardest test ive faced yet but the Gods are forcing me to evolve.

Also Satan is a mf lol. He caught me by suprise when i merged with him and Hard Possesed me. He changed my voice and all…

The left side of my body is that of Satan (Astrally) and the right side of my Body is me. He is intense af. Wakes me out my sleep and tells me some interesting shit and gives various rites.

Like i said, hardest challenge Im facing yet but I am and Will evolve.


Like Morgan Freeman changed or Michael Clarke Duncan changed? :thinking:

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I’m imagining James Earl Jones or Barry White.