Is it possible to communicate with spirits in a week and open spiritual senses immediately?

However, don’t count on it. If you’re even asking the question of, “Is this guy talking out of his ass?”, the answer is yes, more often than not.

Dude. Didn’t expect that :open_mouth:

In rare cases, a spirit can “force” you to see and hear them. I had a rather terrifying encounter with a talking toad the size of a husky when I was just starting out. I believe it to have been a combination of a more open mind, accidental blood sacrifice and sacred ground.


I’ll second that.


True. eventhough their messages are cryptic often, they always communicate on a level that we can understand them or at least should be able to (each according to our abilities at that point)


There are people who follow his stuff and people who don’t. I doubt anyone has a majority following them on here.