Is a narcissist capable of love?

No because love is of soul and narcissism is pure egotistical nature which is only self serving and a survival mechanism


Narcissist are capable of plenty.
They’re cold and rude so they’re scapegoated along with the diagnoses.

They’re very disagreeable people who exploit agreeable people to feel more empowered, they are self absorbed in themselves.

Narcissist is just a fancy word for a selfish and manipulative person.

It’s just a neurosis developed from never integrating their shadow.

People fit the description, it’s very vague.

Yes they’re capable of loving, but they must first integrate their shadow.


I had a woman like that who also had extreme trust issues as it pertained to infidelity. That was six years of absolute hell and that relationship nearly put me in the ground. Belial recently gave me a “this is your life” slideshow featuring this exact period along with a scolding to the effect that you can’t fix another person’s issue by changing yourself. Trying to do so only made me an enabler and absolved her of any responsibility of fixing herself. He said that as long as a person perceives a benefit in thinking and acting in certain ways they will simply continue to do so.

The changes that she demanded were so small at first but became more and more ridiculous as time passed. By the end, there was very little of the real me left. This of course got used against me as well because " you aren 't the same man I met". If magic hadn’t starting reasserting it’s presence, I am rather sure I would be pushing up daisies as we speak.


Words cannot say how strongly I relate to this. When I finally escaped my childhood home I had no idea who I was anymore after years of emotional abuse - and had to spend years learning who the real ‘me’ was again. I thought EVERYTHING was my fault and apologised for it all.

These people cause such a terrible toll on the mind it really is abhorrent.


I still catch myself slipping into that sometimes. And I had a minor panic attack after I wrote that. She fucked me up more than I thought.


My ex is a diagnosed psychopath, he told me loved because he viewed me as his property and he cares more about things that are his and not so much people.

Also apparently his “love” for me was so intense he blamed me for as much bad stuff in life as he did his mom.

He also warned me he is a predator.

I don’t really know how much of him is human because parasites and demons took him over long time ago. The demons were the ones to warn me.


I would like to add a few things from personal experience. A family member unfortunately hooked up with a narcissist. This person saw my relative as an easy mark, as she is kind and timid, shy and generous. This narcissist son of a bitch took control of her life, to the point where she became unemployable due to him constantly calling her at work. If she had a friend, he would bully her into borrowing money from them to support his alcohol habit, cigarettes, etc. Even guitar strings and amplifiers. He ran off all her true friends and replaced them with people that took advantage of her as well. He physically abused, as well as verbally abused her, and led a double life. His sexual orientation is bisexual, which is something he tried to hide from her. He systematically used his other lovers whether male or female. Lied, manipulated, stole, conned, used and abused everyone. When my relative discovered his dual sexuality, she was severely beaten. He also had affairs with her girlfriends. Now that her life is a train wreck, and everything and everyone she had, is gone, he is nowhere to be found. Hiding, because he lacks the balls to face the truth that he is a piece of shit, worthless waste of air. He left nothing but destruction in his wake.


Probably the funniest lie he ever told, was that people would buy tickets to hear him sing at a freaking karaoke bar. Lmao, you might be hiding from the truth dickwad, but you can’t hide from the curse I’m going to throw on you.


Omg These people being described , soulless matrix avatars , no consciousness


As a professional musician, I can tell you his singing is so so, and his guitar playing never impressed me. In other words, you suck balls. Literally

Nope, soulless is correct


Whoa, this got me.

Every time my ex-husband would do something to harm be, be it physically or emotionally, he would always use the justification of “Well, you were being a jerk so you deserved it.” or “I was trying to be mean because you made me mad, you can’t bring up what I sad when I was trying to be mean.”

And then I’d be like “damn, why am I such a jerk?”

Sometimes hearing other people’s experiences makes everything else so much more clear.


Damn, am so sorry for what happened to your relative. How’s she doing now? From my observation and experience, the worst part is recovering (or trying to recover) from a narcissist after all the abuse and manipulation. It’s really painful and draining.


Well, thank-you. :))

Not so good, but I’m trying to stay hopeful.


This is really insightful, I’d never considered this a spectrum disorder. I’ve never encountered one of these creatures before I met a narcissistic colleague two years ago. It have been both deeply repulsed by this individual but also morbidly fascinated by them at the same time.


I wouldn’t call a narcissist soulless atleast if we’re keeping it on a pure mental and not throwing spiritual mess into it. Love is a chemical reaction in the brain and narcissist have trouble with that. My dad is one, and I took notice when he would put cigarettes out on my skin when I was younger and think it was funny, or a year ago when the police came for him and asked his name he told them my name instead and bold face lied and said they came up with my name and that he didn’t tell them anything. Given my real name you won’t easily just come up with it out of nowhere.

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Calling narcissists soulless and demonizing them sounds incorrect. It sounds like wounded victim talk.

However it is a mental disorder and as such, it shouldn’t be considered trendy or the same as someone with a painful past, they are not wounded baby birds in need of love, they are walking pathologies that are incurable and they feed.

Mental disorders like anxiety or schizophrenia are easy to sympathise with because the person is so vulnerable. But narcissism and sociopathy don’t essentially need anything to function that they can’t obtain themselves and without much difficulty, more so in the case of narcissists who need narcissistic supply so at the cost of victims they function fine.

If you look up informative YouTube videos about parasitic insects that naturally evolved you can understand how the narcissistic/sociopath genes and the environment which activated them created an individual that could move around in society and even procreate.

I will admit though, that after meeting a narcissist (he may have only had the traits, he may have also had psychopath traits, but at the very least he was delusional) and connecting with this person at some spiritual level thanks to the unhelpful RHP, it wasn’t hard to imagine he really was evil. Even things I sensed about his soul… even his soul prior to incarnating felt evil… but I have and will continue to punish this person. That’s the great thing about the LHP, I can enforce my own justice.


I think you should curse him Jasmine. If not for your family member, for his future potential victims. Or at least evoke an entity and ask that they keep him from being able to hurt others, or ensure that justice is always dealt to him his whole life for anything he does.

People who are narcissists and psychos are so disconnected. People are nothing more than cardboard cut-outs to them. Life is completely flat in that they live at such a basic level. They see life and others to the extent of something to move around and use. More development is needed to actually engage with life and people at a deeper level. For psychos there is also no connectedness whatsoever, it doesn’t even cross their minds. There is “me” and “others” and since nothing else is needed for survival they don’t even see others.

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Great work.

You shouldn’t tell your daughter. The fact is, she isn’t of the right mind or judgment in this matter. She is “under his spell” so to speak, though it’s more psychological tactics to get into someone’s mind and heart and destroy. This is how Stockholm Syndrome is caused, when people end up loving those that hurt them because they’re so trapped. It is just sadism, and if you aren’t the type to “do what thou wilt” then yes, at least stop him for the safety of others. I don’t believe in karma myself.

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