

I ran across BALG on several occasions and decided now would be a good time to join the community. I’m in my mid-30s and do not have experience with any form of magick. I’m interested in goetic magick; not to harm, but for my own gain, e.g., knowledge, tangible possessions, love (more to come on that in my next post).

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Welcome @babaath

No experience with magick at all?

What has piqued your interest about it now?

@DarkestKnight this question can even come to
Am interested into this community because i can see the light and love that you share here and i gain my power through your help am pretty sure that i will help the community too


Welcome to the forum.


Welcome :blush:


Just a single failed attempt with chaos magick. I will be the first to admit I wasn’t in the right state of mind. I couldn’t wrap my head around the similarities it has with the theory of law of attraction. I know several people who swear by it, but I guess it’s just not for me.

I suppose I require something more spiritual, or at least connected to something and vice versa. That’s where my interest in Goetia comes from.

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