Introducing myself to the community

Well, this is a good place to start:

I was in your shoes as well. But the first time that I summoned Azazel, he informed me that the blood of my Slavic ancestors were calling out from within me, and he encouraged me to, “Leave us Jewish myths to the Jews.” The next day I began doing some researching about Slavic Paganism and that night while I was trying to sleep, Bog Veles took me out of my body and I traveled to Nav (the Slavic underworld) and he told me that he was happy to have me back and that he wanted all the Volkhvi (Slavic Priests/Shamans) to return from the other currents.

I now work exclusively with my Slavic Bogi (Gods), Dziady (Ancestors), and Sjenoviki (Non-human Spirits). And I primarily work with Bog Veles who is my patron and grandfather of the Volkhvi. And I have seen him do the impossible, the most recent event was Saturday, when he transformed a bag of Dill Pickle chips into Salt & Vinegar chips because they’re his favorite.

But everyone walks their own path, I just hope that you’re taking the happiness of your ancestors into account when choosing yours. But irregardless, may you have success with whatever you do.