Information on Azazel

Do they use cologne?

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To me, some entities actually have certain scents from time to time, so I could see a couple use cologne.


Last night I felt a presence in my room at 4 am.
My whole room stank so badly smelled like the color woman’s use for finger nails kinda like alcohol. I could barely breath. The presence was weak.

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Can anyone give me some tips on evoking Azazel? I feel that I need to do this.

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When you evoke him, remember to be courteous, but also welcome him as a respected friend. He can be a really chill guy.

What I do to evoke him is gaze at his sigil and chant his enn. An easier way would be to just simply call out his name, but I think you may accidentally evoke someone who isn’t the real deal. Soo, I’d simply gaze at his sigil.

I hope I explained that alright. :sweat_smile:


Very simple. Thanks, I’ll try tonight!

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That would be nail polish. Or nail polish remover, acetone. Either way, that makes sense considering Azazel’s attribution with cosmetics.


Azazel’s new form. Watch out, dudes. :joy::ok_hand:


Going to have to add him to my “call with caution” list. So not ready for that.


Definitely, he was already chuckling to himself like he was making plans. :rofl: :rofl:

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I can’t agree enough with your post! Very well said, I always find it tough when explaining amorphous forces, well maybe explaining is the wrong description. …expressing the sensation of his energy goes beyond words for me, but your words definitely connected with me or a few nostalgic memories .thanks @rin

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Hi, this is an interesting experience,
Please i would like to know how do you get into trance?

Stare at your wall for practice. Do this until your body feels weird or you hallucinate–hear or see shit. You are now in a trance.

Ever mindlessly watched TV? This feels similar. Your thoughts is the tv. Watch your thoughts.

Whisper that as a mantra for racing thoughts.
It might turn you on if you’re into dirty talk.

Have fun.


Has Azazel got any messages for me?? I failed evoking him 2 times🙄

What were you evoking him for?

Thank you very much

Just for a conversation and to get laid by hot succubus.

Thank you for this information about Azazel. What are his “specialities”? For example, like Bune helps with finances, etc. What does he help with?

I’ve just started reading up and working with the Goetic demons. Here’s the crazy thing - although I started out looking up information about Andras, I’ve been finding names of other various demons. :slight_smile: I love it!

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Azazel is an all purpose powerhouse and can help with anything.


Thank you, DarkestKnight. :slight_smile:

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