I'll Be Creating A Whole Baneful Magick Video Course For Free

Have you ever achieved results w/baneful magick?

Of course

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Does one have to keep the negative energy external when applying a curse?


This was very interesting - and visceral. I was very interested to see your finger position - I myself have used this in past baneful work, though it makes sense it would be utilized for domination. I personally had always thought i mustve picked it up from some occult literature somewhere and do not think i learned it from a spirit - or did i? :woman_shrugging: Anyway, that was pretty shocking to me, but appreciate seeing its spg.

Anyway, that aside, I was curious as you made a short reference to the work being used against another magician, when you mentioned disciple (?) of Belial - to the point, is there any additional info regarding how to circumvent defenses in place? I have not and do not have any need to perform work against another practitioner, but I had always thought the operation more risky in case certain defensive measures might be in place that smack it back at you. Is this something you will discuss later on? Or is it inconsequential to you?

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If I gave my watch to a former friend and took it back, can I use it to curse them. Does it matter that I used to wear the watch. How long is my energy in that watch?

When you pull someone else’s energy into yourself then blow it into an object, you are putting your own energy into it. Imo, they mix in the metaphysical world.

Thats Why You Fucking Rock Conner Kendall!!!

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Thank you, awesome gift


thank you for those. Will definitely check.


Remind me to never puss you off. All of these are great to see and places I don’t think I would have ventured on my own without some help.


Bump !!

Thankyou @C.Kendall for these vdos :pray:

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Awesome. Just subscribed.

May I ask, what do you define as “Baneful” and what is the intended purpose of said “Baneful Magick”?

I am new to the forums and there is a lot of terminology people use that I am not familiar with.

Any spell, ritual, or technique that is used in a way that is harmful—mentally, physically, emotionally or spiritually—to the subject or target of the magick.

So revenge work, breakup work, etc…along those realms.

this should answer your questions