I prayed the rosary...and there were interesting consequences

I agree with @MKUltraMadeMeDoIt and @Myrddin. Jesus =/= Horus.

And in any case, regardless of origin, in my cosmology, Heruwer (Horus the Elder) and Heru (Horus the Younger) are gods in their own right. As is Jesus. All separate entities. Showing that Heru and Jesus have similarities will not change the ontological existence of Jesus. Centuries of devotion have made Jesus a powerful god.

When I pray the rosary, I usually skip the Credo. The In Nomine and Paternoster (I pray the rosary in Latin exclusively) are interpreted by own interpretation. And the Ave Maria is also interpreted by own interpretation. That said, my previous experience with the rosary demonstrates that the Blessed Virgin Mary doesnā€™t necessarily care about such things: itā€™s efficacious nonetheless.

And I do not do banishings as heretofore I have not had the need to nor do I believe they should be done casually. Iā€™m much more wont to perform divination to figure out what this entity is and how to pacify it or befriend it, or attempt communication, or ask a demon to provide info. To me, this indicates this entity has been around me for a while: Iā€™d like to know why, and how this can be mutually beneficial.


I donā€™t recall making that claim against him, if anything his faith seems to have compelled him to make comparisons that simply werenā€™t there, which is the majority of the history of religion.

If anyone is claiming the truth then attempts deception in order to prove it, then everything they say is worthless to me in that regard. You brought me into this conversation asking me for my opinion so there it is, and i stated before i donā€™t care if others believe this or not.

Iā€™ve given my advice to @ExTenebrisVictoria, everything else in this thread means nothing to me.


Did you ever find out what that situation was about?

Also, Iā€™d like to ask about the Dominican Rosary, how did you pray and to what kind of situations did you pray to where they seemed most powerful?

The reason I ask is because, I would like to start doing this as well. I remembered my grandma, who passed away almost 2 years ago, was a great catholic who prayed constantly to Mary and Christ. I recently started all of this- praying to Jesus and developing faith, and I have Mary all over my house and on my front door- but never really prayed to her. I even have her candle on my dresser.

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In my opinion
If you dont break your relationship with other demon! Its safe
You can chant everything! But dont use the chanting to force or abuse other spirit

In catholic you can have relationship with angel, virgin mary, saint etc
But in christian pentacostal you are condemned if you have relationship with any spirit except christian God

So its all about perspective dude
Catholic say christian pentacostal movement is rebellion, revolt!
Christian say catholic is corrupt and pope is antichrist