I Offered my virginity to an angel,

Not always, casual sex is just that, casual sex an exchange of energy between two people with an end goal to get off. Nothing spiritual about it, no souls merging or anything like that.

But also it’s a bit hard to read all you wrote, try spacing out your paragraphs, however the rest of that sounds like some really new age teachings.


I was stressed earlier i apologise, also it never leaves in paragraph spacing for me, it always removes the blank line.
i guess i worded it a little wrong, in any penatrative sexual act the astral bodies do interact so the astral bodies merge not the soul. You wouldnt experience anything spiritual in that situation but your spirits will. This is also why people have out of body experiences when having sex they do not want, their astral body is refusing to interact, so in that case they would not.

The new age has really taken to this idea of energetic exchange i agree but its just how energy works. All the new age is, is occult information watered down often to the point of nonsense sometimes with parts left in tact, then they add loads of fluff and mind control. My view of the world has being forced into a complete spiritual view of things as simply different energies interacting with each other in different ways. People have known about how energy interacts for thousands of years…

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@DarkPhoneix i have a lot of experience with angels I remember a past life as a god and am heavily connected with that realm. Entities taking you up for sex is too real

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Can you help me do this?

Yes ive had sex with a couple angels and atleast for me they fuck rough just like i like jt

Lol/ how would you know?! Did you offer a bad deal? Lol.