I need advice on this guy I’ve been into for 3 years

Hello everyone, my name is Du(pronounced like Yuu).
I’ve been into this guy for 3yrs, in January it would be 4. We met once because i bought a phone from him, we r in the same community on Fb that’s how we met. We never really talk in that way and has been in a no contact situation since 2019’s new year eve. I know the context don’t matter but i just wanna give you something. I got into manifestations and magick because of him. I tried everything i could find, spell jars, sigils, wrote a shit ton of his name in my journal hoping that he would become mine. I also tried working with Lady Aphrodite and praying everyday with offerings but still nothing. I evoked Amon for the first time. It has been like 2 weeks and still no avail. Is my magickal ability too weak? I can’t really feel the spirits presence when i called them.
Should I let him go for the best? I also asked Aphrodite to bring me a new love but i didn’t see anything. Should I evoke another demon to bring him to me or should I ask them to bring me someone better?
Thank you so much for reading this far, i hope you’ll have a great day.

also i’ve been seeing 444 and 111 everywhere since this noon, could this be a sign or symbol of something?

I’m really sorry you’re going through this.

Do whatever you can to let it go.

I regret wasting my time trying all that on a target as well. I hope you don’t go through the same.

Focus on manifesting money and beauty instead.


You can search for those numbers in the below thread and see if any of the info resonates:


thank you, i will let go and focus on myself from now on​:heart::heart::heart:


thank youuu, so it seems like a demon was near me, i wonder if it’s Amon

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I see triple numbers when I connect with spirits. So that may be a confirmation that you were heard and something is happening.

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