I called Andras to help with a banishment but I didn’t feel anything

I called Andras and meditated with his sigil. I was inside a circle of black salt. I did a banishment on my stupid loud upstairs neighbor with a spell jar, a photo of my neighbor and andras sigil. Included hot foot, cayenne pepper, asafatida, chili flakes and black salt

I have read Andras energy is intense but I felt nothing. I offered him a bottle of whiskey, the expensive kind, but no energy, my room felt “heavy” after the spell but that could have been explained by the heat of the candles

Does that mean he doesn’t want to work with me or does he feel I’m scared of feeling intense energies?

It doesn’t sound to me like you even summoned him :thinking:

What exactly did you do while sitting in your circle of salt?

I drew his sigil on a piece of paper, I tried to clear my mind and think of his sigil. I called him 9 times asking for his help.

I wrote my intent on a paper with a photo of my neighbor and Andras sigil

Do you have a link or help how to summon him, safely, I’m a beginner …

You need to open the seal first so there is a line of communication. Gaze at it until the lines start to fade in and out and then speak your desire.

Here is a link on the basics of opening a seal:


Thank you!

Andras is pretty intense indeed. He is awesome for baneful magick, but certainly not beginner friendly

This is a tutorial for an invocation, but I would recommend just reading this as it has some good explanation on how to use the demonic enn and good, beginner friendly pointers on the subject of intent etc… Do not actually start off randomly invoking as a beginner. Because (and I quote a very good point Mr. Kendall once made) you specifically invite an entity of chaos into your life, you have to be ready and willing to deal with that chaos. You can kinda counter some of the effects, but there is no full cleansing and banishing after intentionally opening the door and inviting these enegies/ entities in your life. Especially entities like Andras can cause a lot of havoc in your life, if you are not prepared for it.

Before working with any spirit, my personal recommendation for intense spirits like Andras (or Abaddon or Belphegor or Belial or Samael etc.) is to not start off asking for stuff. They are powerful supernatural entities, you have to know at least a little what you get into before dealing with them. Do some research first on the demon. demonsanddemonolatry.com, occultist.net and blackwitchcoven.com are my personal favorites but there are more good sources out there. Don’t overdo the research though, because the connection with any spirit or god is always personal and is always at least slightly different for everyone so at one point you just have to dive in and see for yourself. (plus sometimes people seem to project
After that connect to the energy, for instance by meditating and chanting the demonic enn for that demon and see and feel how you react to that energy a few times. You can offer them something if that feels right. But I don’t make that much random offerings, other than my effort and maybe burning a bit of incense in their honor.

If this doesn’t seem like something you want to do, you can totally discard it and dive in anyway. It is just my personal recommendation. I certainly didn’t start easy and dove right into working with some intense spirits as a beginner. Luckily the chaos I invited only made my life better
However, from that experience I can certainly see how that can do some serious damage in a lot of cases.

If you have a specific spell in mind, you can connect to the Andras energy to assist you. You can do that when chanting the demonic enn for Andras and after that opening the sigil. Perhaps write a petition on the back of it in which you ask for his specified assistance and burn it after the spell is done.


Thank you for this. I’m reconsidering summoning Andras. I’m a beginner and I definitely don’t want chaos in my life. I’m in a very annoying situation that’s affecting my mental health with the neighbor I want to banish. But my lease expires in 7 months so I don’t think it’s worth it getting myself in a mess with Andras.

I think it would be easier to keep practicing witchcraft with the help of Hekate to banish him. I might make hotfoot powder this time and do that again (I got the hot foot powder from a store last time I used it)

My binding spells, and my freezer spells are working in a sense, he doesn’t play loud music at night anymore and the hammering has stopped.

But I really wanted to renew my lease and I can’t renew if I’m not sure they are moving out.

Hope you find a way to deal with the annoying neighbours. There’s loads of ways to do baneful magick without involving spirits.

I’ve also had success with just a mild invite of the energy, like I stated last. Just seeking connection with help of the enn until you feel a shift in energy. Maybe using the sigil, but for me it’s usually not necessary, when working with Andras. That way it’s more focussed on empowering your spell.
It’s just when fully invoking or evoking a spirit (or attempting to), that you also fully invite that energy to influence you and your life

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Honestly, I think that working with andras is something of an expert level, if you’re a beginner you shouldn’t use it, you can use more “friendly” ones, like eligos, or even orobas. they help in these kinds of situations where it interferes with the magician’s “temple”.

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Just to add to what others are saying, I have found that Andras does indeed have a tailwind of sorts. Ie, expect to find yourself and those around you to be inexplicably stroppy for a bit after working with him.

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