How to hear / communicate with spirits

Absolutely true. A lot of Islam or Middle East ads too. which is cool, just that Im not interested, but add prefs dont change for some reason.

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I get ads for glasses I don’t even wear glasses, sun glasses sure but not prescription. But then again I did buy my wife a pair of glasses recently so that could be why. The ads are supposed to be targeted based on the things you search and your internet history. Even your home security system listens in on your private conversations then sells that data. Pretty Orwellian :thinking:

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Probably not the smartest thing to be posting in a forum like this. Even as a joke. Whatever way you choose to view the universe that’s most comfortable for you is up to you. It’s your experience and that’s perfectly fine have it like you want by all means but don’t get yourself in trouble by choosing the wrong ways to entertain yourself. Sure it’s cheaper than a movie in the moment but it could cost you later down the road. You have a good brain right? Try using it a little more when deciding to have yourself a good time. I’m sure there’s more constructive uses of your time, learn to speak German or something maybe go play miniature golf with your mom or learn to cook a shephard’s pie.
But if you are dead set on trying to convince yourself that the universe isn’t very big and that humanity knows all there is to know about everything try watching some paranormal videos and try to come up with alternative explanations to replace what you are seeing with.


Well said.

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And great advice for me and every single person with extra time on their hands. Since Im not throwing myself back into magick with full abandon, there are other things to learn, such as a simple toy guitar and learning old folk, mythos and bard songs, and singing and stringing them with full abandon, cooking with full abandon, making incense and candles and soaps with full abandon, etc. If I throw myself fully into any hobby, and then go on with the next sunrise or sunset, then the previous work is accomplished and eventually pays off. There are galaxies and universes; I know I keep describing myself in a small way, however, this earth itself for us is fairly vast, and the mind even more. Right?

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Ok so my next video will include some detail on developing clairaudience because it was requested in the comments. If anybody wants me to cover a specific topic please let me know in the comments section of my videos or here in this thread because it’s the easiest place for me to keep track of it all.


Nice man I do have some skill in Clairsentience but I’d love hearing your part of input after watching the original video with how detailed it was with your explanation. Keep up the grate stuff brother :call_me_hand:

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Do a video for things you need to do before an evocation , grounding banishing and all that , MB do it in parts since may take a while


@AdamThoth Liked and followed.

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That could be a fun video to make but I think first I should do the videos on the actual mental and psychic techniques so that people know what they are doing in the ritual first. That way I can be consistent in the order of things. So I’ll do a series of videos from psychic development ritual preparations and ritual then ritual closing. :+1:


Yes start at the beginning and keep it simplistic. I’ve watched quite a few videos half way through because there was to much yabba yabba in it.

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I will try to keep it simple and to the point.

“Magic is in the mind of the magician”. - Crowley

You can create whatever kind of imagery in your head and try to justify or rationalize that. People struggle with this topic because we live on a physical plane of existence.

You’re telling me there are energies and daemons that have, who’s to say, infinite knowledge on just about any topic you could think of and they can’t find a way to make it audible? I have to feel and see it in my mind?

It sounds like hocus pocus non sense to me. It doesn’t work because I’m not doing it right type of thing. When really, it doesn’t work because it’s just me sitting in my living room talking to myself.

I challenge anyone to show me otherwise.

I’ve tried and have documented many times here on this forum where I attempted to contact spirits, daemons, whatever you wish to call them.

Not once, have I ever actually benefited from doing so. It’s always been a loss overall. No aide has come to me. Now looking back I can try to justify it and find meaning. Anyone can do that after the fact.

I have never heard voices, I have never seen anything. Poltergeist activity, as posted above would just piss me off.

Do me a favor though, if you talk Asmodeus tell him I still don’t have any Asian strippers. You see Bune, tell him my finances are going backwards. Talk to Nitika, tell him thanks for nothing.

I have gotten myself in the position I’m in. Both good and bad. Trying to talk to daemons to help with problems, if they even actually exists, is probably a waste of my and their time.

By the sweat of my brow do I rise and fall.

Will you read this? Have you already made up your mind and decided what version of the universe you want to experience? If you read it will you understand it?

This is true, the experience is entirely subjective.

Not once did I say that, I did mention clairaudience and will be covering that in another video. I also never said spirits have infinite knowledge or power. I’m not saying you have to feel it in your mind but it’s one way to go about it.

I understand How you feel, almost everyone who does this has gone through that phase. But a lot of this has to do with our own preconceived notions about what all these things are.

Maybe you are, maybe that’s exactly what’s happening, you in the living room talking to yourself. And maybe to an enlightened mind who knows that the universe is unified would agree. The universe has many aspects and there are things that exist but only in the realm of thought.
For example if I took a rock and smashed your face with it would you feel pain? Would you become angry? Would you wonder why I did it? Not one single part of that could you prove. Not one single part of that experience could be considered anything but subjective.
You say it hurts, well prove it. Show me the pain You are having. You say it can be measured with an EEG? that’s funny because imagined pain gives off the same readings so tell me another one because you could just be faking it. The brain can’t tell the difference between an imagine experience and a real one so I think your pain is all in your head. And it is!
You say you are angry? please place your anger in my hand so I can inspect it. You say you wonder why I did it? Lets measure that thought on a scale, you say you think I’m an asshole for hitting you with the rock well I don’t believe it I want hard evidence please. Also your view of me as an asshole is only your opinion. A masochist would think me and my rocks are wonderful to have around.
But then again our senses are the least reliable means of evidence and anecdotes and testimonials the least valid form of evidence.
I think your entire experience of being hit in the face with my rock is all in your own mind and I could even gaslight you and say “I never hit you with a rock. You are delusional”.
You say you have blood dripping from your nose? I say standard nose bleed. You say your face is swollen? I say allergies or maybe you have the mumps. Lets investigate those things first then we can come back to your supposed “theory” that I hit you with a rock later. I also have three other people here who say they didn’t see anything about any rocks being thrown. What do you have to say for yourself?

I wrote a letter to Mic Jagger and never got a reaponse…there’s no such thing as the rolling stones.
What’s that you say? Many people have heard them play in concert? "That’s just a bunch of crazy people and every single one of them is delusional.

I tried selling vaccume cleaners for a living but not once did I get a sale. I spent all kinds of money on gasoline driving door to door and it never paid off. I did it for a whole 3 weeks and never got results.
If I had gotten a sale it would have been just dumb luck anyway and in no way whatsoever would my skill (or lack there of) as a salesman have come into play it but I could look back and convince myself that I made that sale because I knew how to talk. I could justify it after the fact.
Also skill is another one of those things that doesn’t exist in the physical and can’t be weighed or measured but it’s effects in the physical sure can.
Which brings me to my point.
Spirits, gods, demons, whatever you want to call them. Are aspects of our universe. We give them names we give them personalities, we give them consciousness we can relate to. The concept of a nurturing mother doesn’t exist in the physical world. We can’t weigh a mother’s love. Her dedication can’t be quantified. But yet it is something that exists. Does nurturing have an independent consciousness? Based on our limited view of what consciousness is it would seem not. Can consciousness even be considered something that exists in tye physical world anyway?
We know it exists in the universe and in ourselves but only in the realm of the mind.
The ancient egyptian used symbolism of the cow and gave the concept of the nurturing mother an anthropomorphic form of the goddess Isis. The ancient Greeks named it Hera, the Celts called it Cerridwin, the sumerians called it Ishtar in the goetia its Astaroth. Etc etc. Etc. Does it have an independent mind of it’s own? We only have our own minds as a reference point from which to judge so how could we even begin to conceive such a thing? It is not limited in it’s scope as a single point of reference like we are based on 5 senses and doesn’t view the universe through eyes but instead is part of the very fabric of the cosmos just as it is part of each and one of us in our own mind. We all have that nurturing motherly aspect to us. Instead we give it a consciousness similar to our own so we can more easily relate.
If you were to say that the concept of the nurturing mother doesn’t exist nobody could prove you wrong because when it comes to the realm of thought and the mind entirely different circumstances methods and parameters must be used for something like that which is non physical. Attempting to use physical means of quantification would be like trying to measure light with a scale used for weight in grams.
Does your mother love you? Did she do the best she could for you? Does she have regrets and think she could have done better? These types of things can’t be measured or proven. But they do exist even if only subjectively shared.
Seems like you want to understand but are not sure how to go about it.
FYI, spirits, gods, and demons angels etc are quite different from the ghost of someone who has passed on in that they do have a consciousness that was formed based on their experiences as a human being with material senses and singular point of view. Yet the means of communication remain mostly the same.


yes this is true and you shouldn’t be looking to spirits to give you handouts. But they will meet you half way. They can help bring the opportunity but the preparation , recognizing the opportunity when it happens and willingness to act is all on you. There’s also advice. Even the most killed leader has advisors. The advice is good and more often than not much better than human advice. For the simple fact that when it comes to opinions everyone has on and it’s never based on all the factors that are involved in your life.

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First off, Thank you for responding. I deal with so many unenlightened, ignorant people every day it’s refreshing to hear an educated opinion on something.

I’m open to consider any evidence that’s against my perspective. That’s how I got on the Left Hand Path to start with.

I’ll have to take some time and make an intelligent response, I just wanted to say thanks real quick.


Two questions about your Void Meditation, if you don’t mind. Is there a recommended amount of time for daily practice of this meditation? The second question is, I understand even more difficult to answer, since I’d imagine it’s a very subjective area, but…, is there an average period of time after which I should get results in the form of hearing spirits, before I should wonder if I’m doing something wrong?

I’ve been doing the Void Meditation for about 30 minutes daily for almost three weeks now, without hearing anything, although three weeks is probably a short time. I’m not doubting the technique itself, I know other people here have experienced great results.

Man, :thinking: most people start to have some kind of result immediately. It could be visuals feelings impressions not necessarily clairaudience but if you’re getting nothing at all there must be some other issue at work here. Are you keeping your mind blank, or are thoughts about your day to day life creeping in and distracting you? Are you paying attention to the most subtle impressions? Sometimes we have to get used to how subtle initial impressions are and as time they are more clear and easy to recognize.

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I see what you mean. Maybe I’m being too rational about it. I tend to approach it thinking “either I hear something or I don’t. I’m not going to let my imagination fool me”, kind of mentality. As for other issues, symptoms of my PTSD have gotten in the way of other areas of magick before now.

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You know that place your mind goes to when you are trying to remember the name of an actor in a movie and it’s on the tip of your tongue but just can’t quite seem to pull it up? You suddenly get feelings and impressions pop into your head that jog your memory, try that. It might or might not work for you but I know it works for some.