How to attack a Politician? Is it possible to magickally out magic attacks to a politician or famous person?

There’s a lot of Politician that are corrupt in my home country. My rituals works fast with Angels and Demons rituals like if I do “Angels of Wrath” the longest duration to be effect will be 3 days, the fastest will be 3 hours, and when i need something to specific person I do ritual with Demons and few hours or days it will occured.

I was wondering if i can able to for famous people like politicians, or Foreign Politician to make illness sick. I don’t need full name, or identity, picture of him is enough for me

Are politicians possible to magickally attack?


Yes, they are susceptible to magical attack as any other. However, it’s important to take into consideration that most politicians and celebrities thrive off of the attention they get, and actually absorb the energy sent their way, whether it’s negative or positive. They are notoriously difficult to affect because of this.


You should look up what the pulsa denura is and some of its history. Hell, i will link you a wikipedia page

I would also suggest not using magick to attack politicians, or anyone famous or powerful as that is both illegal and immoral, but the pulsa denura is certainly an interesting study. In fact im sure if you look, especially in religions who still have cultural ties to being oppressed, you will find many rituals and stories to this end. Remember, someone is always watching!

Define corrupted ?

I think your thinking is pretty corrupted that you wanna sling thunderbolts from your closet to someone who has only one life in media…

Are you sure you sane?

Ofcourse it is possible to “attack a politician” but can you sane the struggle with the system behind “corruption of politicians”?

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It is possible to attack a celebrity and/or politician, but magic works better when you actually know someone or have a solid connection with them. It would be better to use magic to get yourself into government, or to get your preferred candidate (who hopefully you work for, in a volunteer way or as an employee) into government.

interesting anything coming to mind to hurt them? Maybe drain them off energy to harm them?


Illegal!? Pffffft lol (maybe in some countries)

Immoral? Bah! Humbug!

The forum has a rule against moralizing. Btw

Imo, trying to affect government structures or ruling bodies and their employees or officials probably falls under the heading of “Aeonics”.

I don’t think it would be a simple affair at the very least, and would take time and patience. I’m sure you’d be in it for the long haul if you were working towards really big changes.


Maybe a working to thwart their plans. Make them ineffective, destroy their reputation, cause scandal would be better than just making them physically ill. Make them retire, run them out of office.

I would add to this, in that most celebrities (at least major ones) usually have someone doing magick on their behalf to protect them. Their images are even protected.

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Attack their family and friends. Disrupt their staff. Make those who are are responsible for keeping them on schedule become inept. Most politicians and celebrities are heavily dependent upon their assistants and staff to remind them of things and to get them where they need to go. Attack that, and they will become disoriented and confused. Few politicians can do for themselves. Even those who are bullies and who like to abuse their staff would be completely lost without those who serve them.


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This I think is a very salient point 99% of famous people and celebs are into the occult full stop. Many spend good sums of money to personal occultists etc.

With that being said you could have your work cut out for you so it may be better to target people close to them who although may still be protected may not be as protected as the famous person. At the end of the day though there are a number of celebs that have been victims of curses so it is very possible and I wish you success @jsensei

I’d say yes and no. Yes, because that their famous, there’s a lot things out there you can use to create a sympathetic link. Gotta love social media, right? No, because if by chance they used magick to get to where they are, they’d most likely have protections put in place. So, attacking them would be like fighting a dragon with a flame thrower.