How to acquire a high sex drive?

This scares me and I wonder if I am a little bit too over my head on this. I don’t want to deal with something really bad getting attached to me and then having to go through the drama of making it go away.

Ok. So you can’t do one thing and have it work for the rest of your life? I am fine with re-doing a spell every 6 months or so. I didn’t know it was like that. What is high magic?

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That doesn’t have to happen, but I understand. Working with these types of spirits might not be for you.

You can look into planetary work with Venus perhaps, or maybe look into tantric practices or chakra work for this.

Pick up a copy of Angels of Omnipotence by Jareth Tempest. In the book there is a glyph for increasing sexual intensity. Or in Archangel Pathworkings by the same author, the archangel Zuriel can increase sexual vitality and drive.

If you are married then sex should be on tap… People have different sex drives I understand but you gotta feed the dog or it will go elsewhere…

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What do you mean by that?

Available whenever…

Maybe you just do not feel attracted to your partner.

When I am not in a relationship I feel my sex drive goes to zero… had times in my life when I thought I might be turning frigid however when I fell in love again I turned again into a nympho lol.