How much of fate do we really control?

See, we thought of different external factors! In the sense of scientific data, it is much more immutable, yes. Though magic can change some of those things temporarily in rare cases, most people usually just “snap back”. The type I am talking about is where you move your perception to another reality where those things are altered, not changing the one you’re observing directly. It’s a far reach to apply that to existential outcomes, though! :slight_smile:

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Places and persons are different perspectives of the same essence! This is a pretty common thing in at least Western magic; everything has an “internal landscape” which is just the consciousness expressed as a place rather than individual. :slight_smile:

Genius loci are often thought to be spirits of specific places- in that respect, we’re the genius loci of our bodies! :slight_smile:


Thanks for the reply! This has been bugging me for a while now - the imagery of personification of some energies can indicate qualities; for example horns, tails, scales, skin color, tools or weapons, etc. in the same way I was thinking of replicating an experience I had years ago, it may help to better understand certain energies…


How much of fate do we really control?

A lot more as you progress.



Is there any way to re-dictate our fates? Can we or spirits overwrite the fates that our higher selves planned? If I hate my higher self so much and no matter how good (or how bad) my fate is, and no matter what I am supposed to be, I want to change it. Do soul transmutation help? Can I “edit” my higher self to make it obey my will? Any way to achieve this?


You should look into the Norse Wyrd.


Not necessarily. The practice of Seith gets into the very thing.

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Yes indeed!

That sounds like I’m really up myself, but what do you want?
I could type up all kinds of stories, but as you weren’t there, and I could be lying; that’s all these would be – stories. I’ve achieved stuff that’s not possible based on coincidence or luck. Real tangible shit!
