How long might it take

So, how long may it take for me to unlock the Anja chakra. I haven’t opened any chakra successfully before, but all the events happening are suggesting it’s opening/activating.


In that case keep trying. It can take a few weeks to a few months honestly depending on the person. Took me a few weeks with CONSTANT practice. Consistency is key in this it’s always a constant reminder awakening process.


HAhahaha, just as i read it, i get shit bricks about a joke.

  • Well, you shouldn’t do it,
    :wink: but here is how you do it:
  • You can also CRUSH your Ajna Chakra open -(Yes, that will hurt definatly, for a while)

Therefore you just simply get the strongest source of energy you can find, ans absorb it with vampirism into you.
Then you push the Energy into the Ajna Chakra,
Combined with Kundalini Awekening, it shooked me out for a couple month,

And it’ll propably feel like that again.

But it’s worth it.
It makes real Big Work possible.
But, be sure you’re ready for it first.
I’ve seen the Strongest Magicians,
Ask for a break to heals and Pause,
when in contact with such a whjizid force. (nope, the last one isn’t a word!)

just forgotten to say…
When you eat Sunlight for too much, Vitamin D helps. :wink:

The later Goal, is to learn creating an own Sun, inside yourself,
With the ancient technique of tummo-breath.
There, your Sacral Chakra, is used combined with breathing, to savly create a sun inside yourself.
That, again, creates Energy, and is said, to allow unbelievable Things, like full Meditation without any Need for Food, water, or sleep, for years.
I say later Goal, becouse i myself, have quite a bunch of stuff around, and can’t Meditate all day Long. Even if i’d love to.

Magick, is Work.
Hard work!
No matter, if you go the short, or the Long way.

Decide yourself.

So, just a side note, i guess.

:wink: -¥~’

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