I get it you probably don’t know her but energy cords are pretty easy to create she may have created it just through concentrating on you. It was just an idea to give a shot. No matter what I truly hope this situation gets better for you
hi, you gotta teach me how to perform this spell… did you have assistance?
Did it all myself. Just do what I did in the original post and then DO NOT CONTACT HIM. Make him come to you.
Sorry I have a number of questions:
What do you mean photos paperclpped so his face can’t see past yours. Do you mean the photos should face each other like the poppets
Where do you put the photos? on the poppets themselves or underneath them?
Also if I don’t have scraps of the other person’s clothes what can I use instead?
Sure, no problem.
Clip the photos together, faces together, like the poppets.
The photos can be stored anywhere they won’t be disturbed. I put mine in an envelope in the bottom of a drawer. (I stashed the poppets with them - I didn’t have a better place to store them.)
You can use any fabric pieces. But don’t use your own clothes to make a poppet of someone else. (You can also make poppets out of wax, clay, or paper. I prefer fabric, since they can be stuffed with personal effects, or with Spanish moss for hexing.)
PUt the photos in the freezer to include freezing spell. lol
Yep that’s an easier way to do things.
I didn’t have access to a freezer at the time (I was in college and only had a tiny little mini fridge), but that’s one good way to freeze out your ex. (Or to freeze out the psycho stalker chick with whom he cheated…)
Or stick it to your shoe and they get stomp with every step. =o)
I put the voodoo paper in the freezer of the person who threaten me. lol. hopefullly it’s doing it’s thing. maybe freeze his life in one spot. haha. that would be cool. lol , did u get that? cool and freezer. heheh.
Just wondering where did you get poppets ? I have no idea where to get it and can’t sew. Also I own nothing of the person no taglocks of their essence, don’t have any of their clothes, what can I use then?
Also have you considered the fact that it’s not the spells that made them come back but it’s actually highly statistically likely guys especially guys like that who seem to have bruised ego’s and such they come back. I think your ex would have come back even if you didn’t do a spell just to soothe his ego , not actually to commit
I made mine. But you can make poppets out of clay or paper if that’s easier for you. If you can’t get tag locks, write the person’s name and birthdate on the poppet.
I only cast a spell on one guy, who had several other women vying for his attention and didn’t need his ego stroked. The others came back when they figured out they’d never find anyone better.
How long in total did it take to work and would it work if I have a lot of anger and resentment against this person? Did you call up any spirits or entities or just pure mind power?
From beginning to end, it took several months. Yes, the more anger and resentment you have, the better. I didn’t call anyone, just poured my rage into the spell.
It reminds me of Voodoo spells they seem to use poppets. Damn months is a long time I feel like I’m at the limit of my patience
.I had recently Voodoo spells cast using lwas I heard are the strongest I’m trying my best to be patient with it but they took a very long time to cast it. Do you have any experience with Voodoo spells and using real taglocks? Also were you desperate for results and obsessed with him and the results while waiting all those months ? I heard that can make the spell not work or backfire
I have used tag locks, but I didn’t really notice a difference. I don’t practice voodoo but I have borrowed some voodoo techniques with mixed results.
You have to calm the F down and let the spell do its thing. Rome wasn’t built in a day and bringing back an ex takes time. I poured so much burning rage into that spell that I didn’t have to think about results; I KNEW he’d come crawling back. And it took time, but he did.
The trick is that you have to break your ex’s hold over you. That puts you back in control. The second half of that spell was breaking his hold over me. Not long after that spell, I went out drinking on Valentine’s Day with an equally heartbroken friend, and the next morning I woke up feeling totally healed. Four and a half months later, my ex contacted me.
It’s because I waited way too long already and this person hurt me soo much to the point of trauma. Will this work if the person is involved with someone else or I have to do some breakup ritual first ? I wondered what breakup ritual is the best in that case ?
I definitely want to do that second part of letting go ritual you wrote. I was thinking though it sounds like a cord cutting ritual so I thought it would prevent or block them from returning ? That’s not the case I guess ?
Yes, it will work regardless of relationship status.
It’s not so much a cord cutting ritual as it was breaking his hold over me. I left my hold over him intact.
Thanks for sharing, I learnt a thing or two, maybe three
I have a former colleague who is Virgo, she is very pretty but yet calls herself Ugly. She is a 28 year old Virgin and claims to hate men…Maybe it’s a Virgo thing not to see themselves as good enough. Dunno but reading your story reminded me of my old colleague and friend
Do you think it can work for a long distance stubborn target that’s involved with someone else?
Yes, absolutely.