How does one navigate having anti-occult and heavily religious people in one's life?

I was raised Orthodox Christian but never really resonated with Christianity… nor could i understand why i was supposed to worship Jesus. I tried praying regularly and so on but it felt wrong for me, nor did i agree with a lot of Christian concepts. I wasn’t interested in blindly following the religion so even before i got into other spiritual practices i’d always clash with my family’s religious tendencies. I know some of my extended family is into Christian magic that is seemingly effective regarding protection, alleviating curses and such but it isn’t really something i want to participate in.

The problem is, i see my family often and they insist on me going to church with them, want to baptize my daughter (i have a 1 y.o.) and other things. So far i just avoid because i know i cannot have a normal conversation with them about this where they’d agree with my other beliefs or practices. But i already know they’ve kind of given up on me becoming a devout church-goer. Still, it creates weird tension. I go over to their house and they get upset if i don’t do the cross before eating, also they try to make me hang icons all over my house when they know i don’t want them.

There’s also a guy in my life that is supposedly serious about me, however also raised Orthodox. The most pathetic thing is that he knows little to nothing about theology or Christianity, he simply walks around with a cross necklace while committing every other sin on earth and says “it’s ok i don’t follow the bible well as long as i acknowledge i am a sinner”. It’s some kind of influence by his parents. He knows i am into the occult and stuff like that, i don’t think he has any idea what that entails and so far he has said nothing of it.

Suddenly though yesterday he starts ranting about how anyone who doesn’t worship Jesus will go to hell. And i asked him, so are you saying i am going to go to hell? And he just said “yes you will”. Then i asked - did all of my Slavic ancestors who were pagan until Christianity was forced on us by the Byzantines for political reasons go to “hell”? He said yes again. And he said anyone who is into any other religion, but especially Eastern religions will also go to hell. Then when i said i don’t even believe in heaven/hell as the cartoonish concept in the bible he started raging at me. Also started ranting about how “all these weird Satanists want to rape kids” and that if i were to become a Satanist he wouldn’t want to marry me? But he literally knows i am aligned with the LHP lol.

Do i just cut him off?? I don’t force my beliefs down his throat, however he argues that even seeking knowledge spiritually outside of Christianity will make me go to hell because “God says it’s evil” and how all divinity and tarot is also “evil”. He doesn’t respect my perspectives at all and it’s really starting to bug me.

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Take a leaf out of their book: “No pearls before swine.”

Yeah… well you asked for that didn’t you? Don’t ask him these things, it just draws out the conversation and attracts attention to you, and thereby the risk if psychic attack through belief.

No need. Smile and go grey rock. It’s not just for narcs. Your opinion is none of his business and his is not yours, leave him alone.


is beyond rude and disrespectful to say to someone.

If he knows this, he’s being hurtful on purpose. If he doesn’t, no one needs to be with someone this arrogant and blind to someone else’s discomfort.

As Mulberry mentioned, I would be careful around someone like this flinging psychic attacks or curses. Not to long ago I dealt with someone who turned out to be like this. The curses weren’t intentional but they don’t need to be when the hatred and their senses of belief are this strong. Even more so when you are opening and connecting yourself in a vulnerable way, be it through love, friendship, anything like that.

Sometimes people of this ilk do change. Among people who aren’t this much of an asshole, I’ve rarely never seen it take less than a year though.

The asshole sort, I’ve only ever seen change when absolutely no one wants anything to do with them anymore. They have to truly care about those losses as well.

There are all sorts of curses and spells to speed this up, but is being around someone this disrespectful worth your time and energy while you wait for that to come into fruition? Probably not.

especially not when you could be putting more focus on working that sort of magick on your family


Hi! I’m new here, and have been working a lot and haven’t been able to post and contribute as much as I’d like to.
I can relate. I was raised Christian, have ministers in my family, and my dad is a decon and on the board of trustees at his church. He has the same attitude as what you described, and my daughter and I were both bullied into church. My family are Baptists.
I have been in the broom closet for years over it. I’m probably kinder than most, but I try and see it as they are misguided, to try to not dwell on the intolerance much.
I will never understand it. My family are blind followers to the KJV, and he had written his Demonologie book first, lol.
I wish I had advice, but unfortunately all I can tell you is that you’re not alone. I did write a fake term paper in college, trying to disprove that faith, and handed it to my dad to “proofread”, hoping it would at least give him a different perspective and hopefully instill tolerance, but it didn’t go too well for me :rofl:


Be a social chameleon. Adapts to any circumstance. To evolve in what you believe, you need to be alive. If you need to go to church, go, until you no longer need to go if your age requires it due to demands from your family. Say little or nothing at all about your views. Do not treat others with arrogance or disdain, it is part of social interaction to show understanding. Everyone has the right to their beliefs, no matter how absurd they may be or how absurd we consider them to be.


Welcome @DarkNit It is a rule here for all new members to properly introduce themselves so PLEASE CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick, such as what you practice, how long you have practiced, areas of interest, etc:


That is pretty bad if they want you to hang up icons or pictures of saints or idols, etc… in the house. Even having pictures of Jesus in the house is not recommended because None of the paintings & pics out there are of the real Jesus. Just a false, counterfeit one.& Nobody knows what He looks like. And sitting in church doesn’t automatically make someone a Christian. My mother is always getting on me to attend church also, & the guy who’s serious about you sounds really Fake & sad :disappointed:.a pretend Christian. And acting like he’s superior to you and saying you’ll go to hell. Sorry but nobody should ever tell someone their going there cuz they don’t Know, & that will drive everyone away

Welcome @L1zard It is a rule of this forum for all new members to properly introduce themselves so PLEASE CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in maigck, such as what you practice, how long you have practiced, areas of interest, etc:


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I’m a Newbie :raising_hand_woman:t3:, but not into magic or occult. Just wondering if people will be kicked out or blocked if they don’t follow the same things as others?

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Everyone is welcome here but you still need to do an introduction. It is a rule of this forum and required.


In my personal life I handle it by keeping silent. No one knows about my practices except others who also practice, and even they don’t know the extent of it. I also don’t associate with Christians if I can help it because I find them very unpleasant to be around.

Now if people ask I do tell them I am not Christian because I don’t mind the drama and I am pretty bad at directly lying. If they don’t ask I let them assume whatever they want, and usually they assume I’m christian because I know the Bible better than they do.

If someone ever gets too preachy where it started to get into harassment territory; I’d be grateful that I finally have someone to practice baneful magick on.


Summon Merihim and ask him to prevent any influence of Jehova and all his masks over your life.

Also, try to keep your magickal equipment from very little to none. You don’t need candles, alters or statues to practice magick. Only words and volition.

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