How do you cope with negativity?

And of all of that :grinning: what did you keep and what you got rid of? What is it that worked for you?

Kept all of it, some may sound like fluffy stuff, but it works, I never toss a magic spell, they all remain in my books, and notes never know when u’ll need it again down the road for you or someone else. All of them worked for me, every kind of magic I used.


The smalls, I will share !

40 days, of casting same spell, its permanently set into motion after that.

Simple little things to connect yourself to law of attraction and magic.


Magic is so easy to do.
Through magic I can make anything I want to happen
Through magic I can get anything I want or Desire
A Miracle will happen today/ A Miracle will happen tomorrow / A Miracle will happen at examples to put in work/ home/ with family/ girlfriend/ sex life ect.
Money is to easy to make.
Large sums of money come to me quickly and easily
I’m open for a miracle to happen, any miracle shape size or form. and dont think of how you’ll get that miracle or what kind of miracle. just let it come anykind.

Saying what you want saying it enough times oo yes you can make it happen from that, I once said I’ll have my own business, 250,000 times in a week 3 months later I had 2 going thats my experience from it :slight_smile: hope it helps.


Synchromancity again :grinning: I once was tought to say positive things out loud. One of them was “abundance flows easily to me”. Thanks Blond for being you! :smiley:

It’s said more like.

I receive infinite abundance and prosperity everyday !

Repetitive writing, 333 or 555 method, or just daily method of how many times you wish write it a day 10 - 30 before the 333 or 555 method would be involved.


Sorry for your loss, Syncromancer.
My advice, dealing with negativity. Face it head on. You seem to be in a situation that is pure gold for personal / spiritual growth / dare I say enlightenment. Nothing to lose and the Universe to gain, I know it sounds cheesy and implies dogma but you are already not attached to labels, don’t deny your nature and be brave, acknowledge and pursue your divinity.


Hi Blond, can you please be more specific? Thanks.

Rituals only experienced need to touch.


Ok I’ll be trying this too! Will show results soon